[LLVMdev] Lowering "memcpy" intrinsic function on ARM using LDMIA/STMIA

Vasiliy Korchagin vasiliy.korchagin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 05:02:57 PST 2011


llvm emits code for "memcpy" on ARM as consecutive ldr/str commands, and 
further combines them into ldm/stm with special pass after register 
allocation. But ldm/stm commands require registers to go in ascending 
order, what is often not so after regalloc, therefore some str/ldr 
commands. For example such code:

struct Foo {int a, b, c, d; }
void CopyStruct(struct Foo *a, struct Foo *b) { *a = *b; }

compiled to:

ldmia    r1, {r2, r3, r12}
ldr    r1, [r1, #12]
stmia    r0, {r2, r3, r12}
str    r1, [r0, #12]
bx    lr

I ran different tests and always regalloc allocates at least one 
register not in ascending order.

What is your ideas to overcome this issue? Maybe llvm should emit code 
for "memcpy" straight into ldm/stm or exchange registers before 
combining ldr/str to make them go in ascending order or fix somehow 
register allocator?

Best regards, Vasiliy.
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