[LLVMdev] Instruction with variable number of outputs

Jakob Stoklund Olesen stoklund at 2pi.dk
Fri Mar 19 07:46:30 PDT 2010


After Bob fixed the two-address format of the ARM ldm/stm instructions, a problem remains. The load multiple instruction looks like:

// A list of registers separated by comma. Used by load/store multiple.
def reglist : Operand<i32> {
  let PrintMethod = "printRegisterList";

def LDM : AXI4ld<(outs), (ins addrmode4:$addr, pred:$p,
                          reglist:$dsts, variable_ops),
                 IndexModeNone, LdStMulFrm, IIC_iLoadm,
                 "ldm${addr:submode}${p}\t$addr, $dsts", "", []>;

Tablegen produces an instruction description with 5 input operands: 2 for $addr, 2 for $p, and 1 for $dsts. But $dsts and the following variable_ops are all outputs!

The description should only have 4 operands + variable_ops.

How can you specify a named, variable list of output operands?

Perhaps this could be made to work:

def reglist : Operand<i32> {
  let PrintMethod = "printRegisterList";
  let MIOperandInfo = (ops variable_ops);

def LDM : AXI4ld<(outs), (ins addrmode4:$addr, pred:$p, reglist:$dsts),

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