[llvm] [RISCV][GlobalISel] Fix selectShiftMask when shift mask is created from G_AND (PR #89602)

Hongbin Jin via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 22 05:34:08 PDT 2024

bvlgah wrote:

Hi. I have been working on make RISC-V's global instruction selection usable and performant.
This patch is intended to fix one of issues encountered in the LLVM test suite. Before the patch,
the following gMIR

    %0:gprb(s64) = COPY $x10
    %1:gprb(s64) = COPY $x11
    %2:gprb(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 15
    %3:gprb(s32) = G_TRUNC %0(s64)
    %4:gprb(s32) = G_AND %3, %2
    %5:gprb(s64) = nneg G_ZEXT %4(s32)
    %6:gprb(s64) = G_LSHR %1, %5(s64)

is lowered to something like

    %0:gpr = COPY $x10
    %1:gpr = COPY $x11
    %6:gpr = SRL %1, %0

This is incorrect because the the following condition always evaluates to true.



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