[llvm] [RISCV][NFC] Allow SchedVar to be a def inside our scheduler model files. (PR #82634)

Michael Maitland via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 23 06:18:14 PST 2024

michaelmaitland wrote:

> Yeah, this is a problem. I may make TableGen able to refer to other definitions in a multiclass:
> ```
> multiclass Test {
>   def a;
>   def b: B<a>; // For `a`, we will search `NAME # a` first and then `a`.
> }
> ```
> (Hopefully this can be easy to design and implement)

This would be very nice. It is quite ugly to have to use `!cast` everywhere for defs. Some careful though will need to be given to what happens when there is a record `a` and when there is a different record `NAME # a` -- we would need a way to refer to both. Please include me on the review if you do this work :)


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