[llvm] Implement MCDCTVIdxBuilder (LLVM side) (PR #80676)
NAKAMURA Takumi via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 20 16:40:20 PST 2024
https://github.com/chapuni updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/80676
>From d168e0cb85eb150caa7ab241f136c5a23f79ba38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 00:33:40 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 01/10] Implement MCDCTVIdxBuilder and MCDCTestVectorBuilder
(LLVM side)
This accept current version of profdata. The output might be different.
See also
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 24 ++
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 226 +++++++++++++-----
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test | 28 +--
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test | 16 +-
4 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 88ec60c7aa33c6..62867275a8524d 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
+#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
@@ -557,6 +558,29 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
+class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+ struct MCDCNode {
+ int InCount = 0;
+ unsigned Width;
+ struct {
+ int ID;
+ int Idx;
+ } Conds[2];
+ };
+ SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes;
+ unsigned NumTestVectors;
+ using NodeIDs = std::tuple<unsigned, // ID1 (ends with 0)
+ unsigned, // ID1 for False
+ unsigned // ID1 for True
+ >;
+ MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
/// and the obtained counter values.
class CounterMappingContext {
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 39e43f86eab5e9..d3a60c664b9e9a 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -223,6 +223,171 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
return LastPoppedValue;
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher) {
+ // Build Nodes and set up each InCount
+ int MaxID = -1;
+ Nodes.resize(std::get<0>(Fetcher(true)));
+ while (true) {
+ auto [ID1, FalseID1, TrueID1] = Fetcher(false);
+ if (ID1 == 0)
+ break;
+ if (Nodes.size() < ID1)
+ Nodes.resize(ID1);
+ int ID = ID1 - 1;
+ MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ Node.Conds[0].ID = FalseID1 - 1;
+ Node.Conds[1].ID = TrueID1 - 1;
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ if (NextID >= 0)
+ ++Nodes[NextID].InCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MaxID < 0)
+ return;
+ // Sort key ordered by <-Width, Ord>
+ SmallVector<std::tuple<int, /// -Width
+ unsigned, /// Ord
+ int, /// ID
+ unsigned /// Cond (0 or 1)
+ >>
+ Decisions;
+ // Traverse Nodes to assign Idx
+ SmallVector<int> Q;
+ assert(Nodes[0].InCount == 0);
+ Nodes[0].Width = 1;
+ Q.push_back(0);
+ unsigned Ord = 0;
+ while (!Q.empty()) {
+ int ID = *Q.begin();
+ Q.erase(Q.begin());
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ assert(Node.Width > 0);
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ assert(NextID != 0);
+ if (NextID < 0) {
+ Decisions.emplace_back(-Node.Width, Ord++, ID, I);
+ assert(Ord == Decisions.size());
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
+ assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
+ Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width; // ???
+ NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
+ if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
+ Q.push_back(NextID);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
+ // Assign TestVector Index
+ unsigned CurIdx = 0;
+ for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
+ unsigned Width = -NegWidth;
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ assert(Node.Width == Width);
+ assert(Node.Conds[C].Idx == 0);
+ assert(Node.Conds[C].ID < 0);
+ Node.Conds[C].Idx = CurIdx;
+ CurIdx += Width;
+ }
+ NumTestVectors = CurIdx;
+namespace {
+class MCDCTestVectorBuilder : public MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+ MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
+ const BitVector &Bitmap;
+ unsigned BitmapIdx;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DenseSet<unsigned> TVIDs;
+ class BranchProvider {
+ ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
+ unsigned BranchIdx = 0;
+ public:
+ BranchProvider(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
+ : Branches(Branches) {}
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool)> getFetcher() {
+ return [this](bool TellSize) {
+ if (TellSize)
+ return NodeIDs(Branches.size(), 0, 0);
+ if (BranchIdx >= Branches.size())
+ return NodeIDs(0, 0, 0);
+ const auto *B = Branches[BranchIdx++];
+ return NodeIDs(B->MCDCParams.ID, B->MCDCParams.FalseID,
+ B->MCDCParams.TrueID);
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ MCDCTestVectorBuilder(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches,
+ const BitVector &Bitmap, unsigned BitmapIdx)
+ : MCDCTVIdxBuilder(BranchProvider(Branches).getFetcher()), Bitmap(Bitmap),
+ BitmapIdx(BitmapIdx) {}
+ MCDCRecord::TestVector TempTV;
+ void buildTestVector(int ID = 0, unsigned TVIdx = 0, unsigned Index = 0) {
+ const auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ auto MCDCCond = (I ? MCDCRecord::MCDC_True : MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
+ const auto &Cond = Node.Conds[I];
+ auto NextID = Cond.ID;
+ Index |= I << ID;
+ TempTV[ID] = MCDCCond;
+ if (NextID >= 0) {
+ buildTestVector(NextID, TVIdx + Cond.Idx, Index);
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto FinalTVIdx = Cond.Idx + TVIdx;
+ assert(TVIdx < Node.Width);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ assert(!TVIDs.contains(FinalTVIdx));
+ TVIDs.insert(FinalTVIdx);
+ assert(BitmapIdx + Index < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
+ if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
+ continue;
+ TestVectors.push_back(TempTV);
+ TestVectors.back().push_back(MCDCCond);
+ }
+ // Reset back to DontCare.
+ TempTV[ID] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
+ }
+ MCDCRecord::TestVectors findExecutedTestVectors() {
+ TempTV.resize(Nodes.size(), MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
+ buildTestVector();
+ assert(TVIDs.size() == NumTestVectors);
+ return std::move(TestVectors);
+ }
+} // namespace
class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// A bitmap representing the executed test vectors for a boolean expression.
/// Each index of the bitmap corresponds to a possible test vector. An index
@@ -251,9 +416,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// Mapping of calculated MC/DC Independence Pairs for each condition.
MCDCRecord::TVPairMap IndependencePairs;
- /// Total number of possible Test Vectors for the boolean expression.
- MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
/// Actual executed Test Vectors for the boolean expression, based on
/// ExecutedTestVectorBitmap.
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
@@ -265,56 +427,9 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
: Bitmap(Bitmap), Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
BitmapIdx(Region.MCDCParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
- Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions),
- TestVectors((size_t)1 << NumConditions) {}
+ Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
- void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned Index,
- MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
- // Copy the completed test vector to the vector of testvectors.
- TestVectors[Index] = TV;
- // The final value (T,F) is equal to the last non-dontcare state on the
- // path (in a short-circuiting system).
- TestVectors[Index].push_back(Result);
- }
- // Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
- // each node. When a terminal node (ID == 0) is reached, fill in the value in
- // the truth table.
- void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned ID,
- unsigned Index) {
- const CounterMappingRegion *Branch = Map[ID];
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_False;
- if (Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID > 0)
- buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID, Index);
- else
- recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
- Index |= 1 << (ID - 1);
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_True;
- if (Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID > 0)
- buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID, Index);
- else
- recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_True);
- // Reset back to DontCare.
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
- }
- /// Walk the bits in the bitmap. A bit set to '1' indicates that the test
- /// vector at the corresponding index was executed during a test run.
- void findExecutedTestVectors() {
- for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < (1u << NumConditions); ++Idx) {
- assert(BitmapIdx + Idx < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
- if (Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Idx] == 0)
- continue;
- assert(!TestVectors[Idx].empty() && "Test Vector doesn't exist.");
- ExecVectors.push_back(TestVectors[Idx]);
- }
- }
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
// - The condition is true in one test and false in the other.
// - The decision outcome is true one test and false in the other.
@@ -378,14 +493,9 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
- // Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
- // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
- // `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
- MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
// Using Profile Bitmap from runtime, mark the executed test vectors.
- findExecutedTestVectors();
+ ExecVectors = MCDCTestVectorBuilder(Branches, Bitmap, BitmapIdx)
+ .findExecutedTestVectors();
// Compare executed test vectors against each other to find an independence
// pairs for each condition. This processing takes the most time.
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
index 0b2c9c98d53555..5424625cf6a6b5 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -151,26 +151,26 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,3)
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
index 753036bedaf170..4b59ce59d638e9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
// CHECK-NEXT: | C1, C2, C3, C4 Result
// CHECK-NEXT: | 1 { F, -, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { T, F, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { F, -, T, F = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { F, -, T, F = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { T, F, F, - = F }
// CHECK-NEXT: | 4 { T, F, T, F = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, T, -, - = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, F, T, T = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, F, T, T = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, T, -, - = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (2,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,6)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (3,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (3,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,5)
// CHECK-NEXT: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
// CHECK-NEXT: ------------------
>From 35b19ea47f34bb14b30fca25572fcd55a3b6b3b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 17:21:04 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 02/10] Revert "Implement MCDCTVIdxBuilder and
MCDCTestVectorBuilder (LLVM side)"
This reverts commit d168e0cb85eb150caa7ab241f136c5a23f79ba38.
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 24 --
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 226 +++++-------------
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test | 28 +--
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test | 16 +-
4 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 62867275a8524d..88ec60c7aa33c6 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
-#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
@@ -558,29 +557,6 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
-class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
- struct MCDCNode {
- int InCount = 0;
- unsigned Width;
- struct {
- int ID;
- int Idx;
- } Conds[2];
- };
- SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes;
- unsigned NumTestVectors;
- using NodeIDs = std::tuple<unsigned, // ID1 (ends with 0)
- unsigned, // ID1 for False
- unsigned // ID1 for True
- >;
- MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
/// and the obtained counter values.
class CounterMappingContext {
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index d3a60c664b9e9a..39e43f86eab5e9 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -223,171 +223,6 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
return LastPoppedValue;
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher) {
- // Build Nodes and set up each InCount
- int MaxID = -1;
- Nodes.resize(std::get<0>(Fetcher(true)));
- while (true) {
- auto [ID1, FalseID1, TrueID1] = Fetcher(false);
- if (ID1 == 0)
- break;
- if (Nodes.size() < ID1)
- Nodes.resize(ID1);
- int ID = ID1 - 1;
- MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
- auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- Node.Conds[0].ID = FalseID1 - 1;
- Node.Conds[1].ID = TrueID1 - 1;
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
- int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
- if (NextID >= 0)
- ++Nodes[NextID].InCount;
- }
- }
- if (MaxID < 0)
- return;
- // Sort key ordered by <-Width, Ord>
- SmallVector<std::tuple<int, /// -Width
- unsigned, /// Ord
- int, /// ID
- unsigned /// Cond (0 or 1)
- >>
- Decisions;
- // Traverse Nodes to assign Idx
- SmallVector<int> Q;
- assert(Nodes[0].InCount == 0);
- Nodes[0].Width = 1;
- Q.push_back(0);
- unsigned Ord = 0;
- while (!Q.empty()) {
- int ID = *Q.begin();
- Q.erase(Q.begin());
- auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- assert(Node.Width > 0);
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
- int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
- assert(NextID != 0);
- if (NextID < 0) {
- Decisions.emplace_back(-Node.Width, Ord++, ID, I);
- assert(Ord == Decisions.size());
- continue;
- }
- auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
- assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
- Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width; // ???
- NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
- if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
- Q.push_back(NextID);
- }
- }
- std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
- // Assign TestVector Index
- unsigned CurIdx = 0;
- for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
- unsigned Width = -NegWidth;
- auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- assert(Node.Width == Width);
- assert(Node.Conds[C].Idx == 0);
- assert(Node.Conds[C].ID < 0);
- Node.Conds[C].Idx = CurIdx;
- CurIdx += Width;
- }
- NumTestVectors = CurIdx;
-namespace {
-class MCDCTestVectorBuilder : public MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
- MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
- const BitVector &Bitmap;
- unsigned BitmapIdx;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- DenseSet<unsigned> TVIDs;
- class BranchProvider {
- ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
- unsigned BranchIdx = 0;
- public:
- BranchProvider(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
- : Branches(Branches) {}
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool)> getFetcher() {
- return [this](bool TellSize) {
- if (TellSize)
- return NodeIDs(Branches.size(), 0, 0);
- if (BranchIdx >= Branches.size())
- return NodeIDs(0, 0, 0);
- const auto *B = Branches[BranchIdx++];
- return NodeIDs(B->MCDCParams.ID, B->MCDCParams.FalseID,
- B->MCDCParams.TrueID);
- };
- }
- };
- MCDCTestVectorBuilder(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches,
- const BitVector &Bitmap, unsigned BitmapIdx)
- : MCDCTVIdxBuilder(BranchProvider(Branches).getFetcher()), Bitmap(Bitmap),
- BitmapIdx(BitmapIdx) {}
- MCDCRecord::TestVector TempTV;
- void buildTestVector(int ID = 0, unsigned TVIdx = 0, unsigned Index = 0) {
- const auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
- auto MCDCCond = (I ? MCDCRecord::MCDC_True : MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
- const auto &Cond = Node.Conds[I];
- auto NextID = Cond.ID;
- Index |= I << ID;
- TempTV[ID] = MCDCCond;
- if (NextID >= 0) {
- buildTestVector(NextID, TVIdx + Cond.Idx, Index);
- continue;
- }
- auto FinalTVIdx = Cond.Idx + TVIdx;
- assert(TVIdx < Node.Width);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- assert(!TVIDs.contains(FinalTVIdx));
- TVIDs.insert(FinalTVIdx);
- assert(BitmapIdx + Index < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
- if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
- continue;
- TestVectors.push_back(TempTV);
- TestVectors.back().push_back(MCDCCond);
- }
- // Reset back to DontCare.
- TempTV[ID] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
- }
- MCDCRecord::TestVectors findExecutedTestVectors() {
- TempTV.resize(Nodes.size(), MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector();
- assert(TVIDs.size() == NumTestVectors);
- return std::move(TestVectors);
- }
-} // namespace
class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// A bitmap representing the executed test vectors for a boolean expression.
/// Each index of the bitmap corresponds to a possible test vector. An index
@@ -416,6 +251,9 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// Mapping of calculated MC/DC Independence Pairs for each condition.
MCDCRecord::TVPairMap IndependencePairs;
+ /// Total number of possible Test Vectors for the boolean expression.
+ MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
/// Actual executed Test Vectors for the boolean expression, based on
/// ExecutedTestVectorBitmap.
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
@@ -427,9 +265,56 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
: Bitmap(Bitmap), Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
BitmapIdx(Region.MCDCParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
- Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
+ Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions),
+ TestVectors((size_t)1 << NumConditions) {}
+ void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned Index,
+ MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
+ // Copy the completed test vector to the vector of testvectors.
+ TestVectors[Index] = TV;
+ // The final value (T,F) is equal to the last non-dontcare state on the
+ // path (in a short-circuiting system).
+ TestVectors[Index].push_back(Result);
+ }
+ // Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
+ // each node. When a terminal node (ID == 0) is reached, fill in the value in
+ // the truth table.
+ void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned ID,
+ unsigned Index) {
+ const CounterMappingRegion *Branch = Map[ID];
+ TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_False;
+ if (Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID > 0)
+ buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID, Index);
+ else
+ recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
+ Index |= 1 << (ID - 1);
+ TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_True;
+ if (Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID > 0)
+ buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID, Index);
+ else
+ recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_True);
+ // Reset back to DontCare.
+ TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
+ }
+ /// Walk the bits in the bitmap. A bit set to '1' indicates that the test
+ /// vector at the corresponding index was executed during a test run.
+ void findExecutedTestVectors() {
+ for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < (1u << NumConditions); ++Idx) {
+ assert(BitmapIdx + Idx < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
+ if (Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Idx] == 0)
+ continue;
+ assert(!TestVectors[Idx].empty() && "Test Vector doesn't exist.");
+ ExecVectors.push_back(TestVectors[Idx]);
+ }
+ }
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
// - The condition is true in one test and false in the other.
// - The decision outcome is true one test and false in the other.
@@ -493,9 +378,14 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
+ // Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
+ // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
+ // `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
+ MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
+ buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
// Using Profile Bitmap from runtime, mark the executed test vectors.
- ExecVectors = MCDCTestVectorBuilder(Branches, Bitmap, BitmapIdx)
- .findExecutedTestVectors();
+ findExecutedTestVectors();
// Compare executed test vectors against each other to find an independence
// pairs for each condition. This processing takes the most time.
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
index 5424625cf6a6b5..0b2c9c98d53555 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -151,26 +151,26 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,3)
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
index 4b59ce59d638e9..753036bedaf170 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
// CHECK-NEXT: | C1, C2, C3, C4 Result
// CHECK-NEXT: | 1 { F, -, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { F, -, T, F = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { T, F, F, - = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { T, F, F, - = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { F, -, T, F = F }
// CHECK-NEXT: | 4 { T, F, T, F = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, F, T, T = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, T, -, - = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, T, -, - = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, F, T, T = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,6)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (3,6)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (3,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (2,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,6)
// CHECK-NEXT: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
// CHECK-NEXT: ------------------
>From 8c777ebbea6f5d005de2112b88eceec9b5eeeadd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 17:06:11 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 03/10] [Coverage] MCDCRecordProcessor: Find `ExecVectors`
Deprecate `TestVectors`, since no one uses it.
This affects the output order of ExecVectors.
The current impl emits sorted by binary value of ExecVector.
This impl emits along the traversal of `buildTestVector()`.
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 31 +++++++------------
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test | 28 ++++++++---------
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test | 16 +++++-----
3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 6b189c31463283..eb0996e33b70dc 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -253,9 +253,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// Mapping of calculated MC/DC Independence Pairs for each condition.
MCDCRecord::TVPairMap IndependencePairs;
- /// Total number of possible Test Vectors for the boolean expression.
- MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
/// Actual executed Test Vectors for the boolean expression, based on
/// ExecutedTestVectorBitmap.
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
@@ -267,18 +264,20 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
: Bitmap(Bitmap), Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
BitmapIdx(Region.MCDCParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
- Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions),
- TestVectors((size_t)1 << NumConditions) {}
+ Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned Index,
MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
+ if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
+ return;
// Copy the completed test vector to the vector of testvectors.
- TestVectors[Index] = TV;
+ ExecVectors.push_back(TV);
// The final value (T,F) is equal to the last non-dontcare state on the
// path (in a short-circuiting system).
- TestVectors[Index].push_back(Result);
+ ExecVectors.back().push_back(Result);
// Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
@@ -308,13 +307,11 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// Walk the bits in the bitmap. A bit set to '1' indicates that the test
/// vector at the corresponding index was executed during a test run.
void findExecutedTestVectors() {
- for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < (1u << NumConditions); ++Idx) {
- assert(BitmapIdx + Idx < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
- if (Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Idx] == 0)
- continue;
- assert(!TestVectors[Idx].empty() && "Test Vector doesn't exist.");
- ExecVectors.push_back(TestVectors[Idx]);
- }
+ // Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
+ // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
+ // `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
+ MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
+ buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
@@ -380,12 +377,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
- // Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
- // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
- // `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
- MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
// Using Profile Bitmap from runtime, mark the executed test vectors.
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
index 0b2c9c98d53555..5424625cf6a6b5 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -151,26 +151,26 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,3)
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
index 753036bedaf170..4b59ce59d638e9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
// CHECK-NEXT: | C1, C2, C3, C4 Result
// CHECK-NEXT: | 1 { F, -, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { T, F, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { F, -, T, F = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { F, -, T, F = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { T, F, F, - = F }
// CHECK-NEXT: | 4 { T, F, T, F = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, T, -, - = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, F, T, T = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, F, T, T = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, T, -, - = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (2,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,6)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (3,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (3,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,5)
// CHECK-NEXT: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
// CHECK-NEXT: ------------------
>From 5432aecffd203f232842607ff581a20cbbf1ba3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 00:33:40 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 04/10] Implement MCDCTVIdxBuilder (LLVM side)
This accepts current version of profdata. The output might be different.
See also
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 24 +++
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 162 +++++++++++++++---
2 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 88ec60c7aa33c6..45c28e6cfd7927 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
+#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
@@ -557,6 +558,29 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
+class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+ struct MCDCNode {
+ int InCount = 0;
+ int Width;
+ struct {
+ int ID;
+ int Idx;
+ } Conds[2];
+ };
+ SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes;
+ unsigned NumTestVectors;
+ using NodeIDs = std::tuple<unsigned, // ID1 (ends with 0)
+ unsigned, // ID1 for False
+ unsigned // ID1 for True
+ >;
+ MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
/// and the obtained counter values.
class CounterMappingContext {
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index eb0996e33b70dc..5eb78f7a785719 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -223,9 +223,119 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
return LastPoppedValue;
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher) {
+ // Build Nodes and set up each InCount
+ int MaxID = -1;
+ Nodes.resize(std::get<0>(Fetcher(true)));
+ while (true) {
+ auto [ID1, FalseID1, TrueID1] = Fetcher(false);
+ if (ID1 == 0)
+ break;
+ int ID = ID1 - 1;
+ MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ Node.Conds[0].ID = FalseID1 - 1;
+ Node.Conds[1].ID = TrueID1 - 1;
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Node.Conds[I].Idx = INT_MIN;
+ int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ if (NextID >= 0)
+ ++Nodes[NextID].InCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MaxID < 0)
+ return;
+ // Sort key ordered by <-Width, Ord>
+ SmallVector<std::tuple<int, /// -Width
+ unsigned, /// Ord
+ int, /// ID
+ unsigned /// Cond (0 or 1)
+ >>
+ Decisions;
+ // Traverse Nodes to assign Idx
+ SmallVector<int> Q;
+ assert(Nodes[0].InCount == 0);
+ Nodes[0].Width = 1;
+ Q.push_back(0);
+ unsigned Ord = 0;
+ while (!Q.empty()) {
+ int ID = *Q.begin();
+ Q.erase(Q.begin());
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ assert(Node.Width > 0);
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ assert(NextID != 0);
+ if (NextID < 0) {
+ Decisions.emplace_back(-Node.Width, Ord++, ID, I);
+ assert(Ord == Decisions.size());
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
+ assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
+ assert(Node.Conds[I].Idx == INT_MIN);
+ Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width;
+ NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
+ if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
+ Q.push_back(NextID);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
+ // Assign TestVector Index
+ unsigned CurIdx = 0;
+ for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
+ int Width = -NegWidth;
+ assert(Nodes[ID].Width == Width);
+ assert(Nodes[ID].Conds[C].Idx == INT_MIN);
+ assert(Nodes[ID].Conds[C].ID < 0);
+ Nodes[ID].Conds[C].Idx = CurIdx;
+ CurIdx += Width;
+ }
+ NumTestVectors = CurIdx;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (const auto &Node : Nodes)
+ for (const auto &Cond : Node.Conds)
+ assert(Cond.Idx != INT_MIN);
namespace {
-class MCDCRecordProcessor {
+class BranchProvider {
+ using NodeIDs = MCDCTVIdxBuilder::NodeIDs;
+ ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
+ unsigned BranchIdx = 0;
+ BranchProvider(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
+ : Branches(Branches) {}
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool)> getFetcher() {
+ return [this](bool TellSize) {
+ if (TellSize)
+ return NodeIDs(Branches.size(), 0, 0);
+ if (BranchIdx >= Branches.size())
+ return NodeIDs(0, 0, 0);
+ const auto *B = Branches[BranchIdx++];
+ return NodeIDs(B->MCDCParams.ID, B->MCDCParams.FalseID,
+ B->MCDCParams.TrueID);
+ };
+ }
+class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
/// A bitmap representing the executed test vectors for a boolean expression.
/// Each index of the bitmap corresponds to a possible test vector. An index
/// with a bit value of '1' indicates that the corresponding Test Vector
@@ -257,18 +367,28 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// ExecutedTestVectorBitmap.
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DenseSet<unsigned> TVIDs;
MCDCRecordProcessor(const BitVector &Bitmap,
const CounterMappingRegion &Region,
ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
- : Bitmap(Bitmap), Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
+ : MCDCTVIdxBuilder(BranchProvider(Branches).getFetcher()), Bitmap(Bitmap),
+ Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
BitmapIdx(Region.MCDCParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
- void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned Index,
+ void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, int TVIdx, unsigned Index,
MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ assert(!TVIDs.contains(TVIdx));
+ TVIDs.insert(TVIdx);
if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
@@ -283,25 +403,26 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
// Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
// each node. When a terminal node (ID == 0) is reached, fill in the value in
// the truth table.
- void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned ID,
+ void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, int ID, int TVIdx,
unsigned Index) {
- const CounterMappingRegion *Branch = Map[ID];
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_False;
- if (Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID > 0)
- buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID, Index);
- else
- recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
- Index |= 1 << (ID - 1);
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_True;
- if (Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID > 0)
- buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID, Index);
- else
- recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_True);
+ const auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ auto MCDCCond = (I ? MCDCRecord::MCDC_True : MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
+ const auto &Cond = Node.Conds[I];
+ auto NextID = Cond.ID;
+ Index |= I << ID;
+ TV[ID] = MCDCCond;
+ if (NextID >= 0) {
+ buildTestVector(TV, NextID, TVIdx + Cond.Idx, Index);
+ } else {
+ assert(TVIdx < Node.Width);
+ recordTestVector(TV, Cond.Idx + TVIdx, Index, MCDCCond);
+ }
+ }
// Reset back to DontCare.
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
+ TV[ID] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
/// Walk the bits in the bitmap. A bit set to '1' indicates that the test
@@ -311,7 +432,8 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
// We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
// `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
+ buildTestVector(TV, 0, 0, 0);
+ assert(TVIDs.size() == NumTestVectors);
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
>From 3ee8a6131de896869edd03f18e07e193c3229fe4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 21:41:43 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 05/10] Update comments and assertions
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 14 +++++++---
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 28 +++++++++++--------
2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 45c28e6cfd7927..7341b41aed63d7 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -558,14 +558,15 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
+/// Compute Conds[].Idx from Branch-like structure
class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
struct MCDCNode {
- int InCount = 0;
- int Width;
+ int InCount = 0; /// Reference count; temporary use
+ int Width; /// Number of paths (>= 1)
struct {
- int ID;
- int Idx;
+ int Idx; /// Index in TestVectors bitmap
+ int ID; /// Final Decision if ID<0, or NextID
} Conds[2];
@@ -578,6 +579,11 @@ class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
unsigned // ID1 for True
+ /// Assign Idx
+ /// \param Fetcher Function to fetch NodeIDs.
+ /// returns {size,0,0} with TellSize=ture
+ /// returns {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} as the value
+ /// returns {0,0,0} as the terminator
MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 5eb78f7a785719..cafb36c19c27f9 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -266,25 +266,32 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
unsigned Ord = 0;
while (!Q.empty()) {
- int ID = *Q.begin();
- Q.erase(Q.begin());
+ auto IID = Q.begin();
+ int ID = *IID;
+ Q.erase(IID);
auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
assert(Node.Width > 0);
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
- assert(NextID != 0);
+ assert(NextID != 0 && "NextID should not point to the top");
if (NextID < 0) {
+ // Decision
Decisions.emplace_back(-Node.Width, Ord++, ID, I);
assert(Ord == Decisions.size());
+ // Inter Node
auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
assert(Node.Conds[I].Idx == INT_MIN);
+ // Assign Idx
Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width;
NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
+ // Ready if all incomings are processed.
if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
@@ -292,7 +299,7 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
- // Assign TestVector Index
+ // Assign TestVector Indices in Decision Nodes
unsigned CurIdx = 0;
for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
int Width = -NegWidth;
@@ -313,6 +320,7 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
namespace {
+/// Returns the fetcher to return {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} from Branches
class BranchProvider {
using NodeIDs = MCDCTVIdxBuilder::NodeIDs;
ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
#ifndef NDEBUG
- DenseSet<unsigned> TVIDs;
+ DenseSet<unsigned> TVIdxs;
@@ -384,10 +392,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, int TVIdx, unsigned Index,
MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- assert(!TVIDs.contains(TVIdx));
- TVIDs.insert(TVIdx);
+ assert(TVIdxs.insert(TVIdx).second && "Duplicate TVIdx");
if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
@@ -429,11 +434,12 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
/// vector at the corresponding index was executed during a test run.
void findExecutedTestVectors() {
// Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
- // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
+ // We start at the root node (ID == 0) with all values being DontCare.
+ // `TVIdx` starts with 0 and is in the traversal.
// `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
buildTestVector(TV, 0, 0, 0);
- assert(TVIDs.size() == NumTestVectors);
+ assert(TVIdxs.size() == NumTestVectors && "TVIdxs wasn't fulfilled");
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
>From 1f0f3fc963fdd8b4e637a45f362c49c8e907ae4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 18:10:18 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 06/10] Reorganize TVIdxBuilder
* Split out `Indices[ID][Cond]`
* Let `Nodes` debug-only.
* Introduce `Offset`
* Introduce `HardMaxTVs`
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 45 ++++++++----
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 71 ++++++++++++-------
2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 7341b41aed63d7..bafb1ce2ce5e0c 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -558,33 +558,48 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
-/// Compute Conds[].Idx from Branch-like structure
+/// Compute Indices from Branch-like structure
class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
struct MCDCNode {
int InCount = 0; /// Reference count; temporary use
- int Width; /// Number of paths (>= 1)
- struct {
- int Idx; /// Index in TestVectors bitmap
- int ID; /// Final Decision if ID<0, or NextID
- } Conds[2];
+ int Width; /// Number of accumulated paths (>= 1)
+ std::array<int, 2> NextIDs;
- SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes;
- unsigned NumTestVectors;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /// This is no longer needed after the assignment.
+ /// It may be used in assert() for reconfirmation.
+ SmallVector<MCDCNode> SavedNodes;
- using NodeIDs = std::tuple<unsigned, // ID1 (ends with 0)
- unsigned, // ID1 for False
- unsigned // ID1 for True
- >;
+ /// Output: Index for TestVectors bitmap
+ SmallVector<std::array<int, 2>> Indices;
+ /// Output: The number of test vectors.
+ /// Error with HardMaxTVs if the number has exploded.
+ int NumTestVectors;
- /// Assign Idx
+ /// Hard limit of test vectors
+ static constexpr auto HardMaxTVs =
+ std::numeric_limits<decltype(NumTestVectors)>::max();
+ /// Inputs: to gather MCDCBranch-like ID to construct the BDD.
+ using NodeIDs =
+ std::tuple<CounterMappingRegion::MCDCConditionID, // ID1 (ends with 0)
+ CounterMappingRegion::MCDCConditionID, // ID1 for False
+ CounterMappingRegion::MCDCConditionID // ID1 for True
+ >;
+ /// Calculate and assign Indices
/// \param Fetcher Function to fetch NodeIDs.
/// returns {size,0,0} with TellSize=ture
/// returns {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} as the value
/// returns {0,0,0} as the terminator
- MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
+ /// \param Offset Offset of index to final decisions.
+ MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher,
+ int Offset = 0);
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index cafb36c19c27f9..83932b9b6317cf 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -224,10 +224,12 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher) {
- // Build Nodes and set up each InCount
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher, int Offset) {
+ // Construct Nodes and set up each InCount
int MaxID = -1;
- Nodes.resize(std::get<0>(Fetcher(true)));
+ auto N = std::get<0>(Fetcher(true));
+ SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes(N);
+ Indices.resize(N);
while (true) {
auto [ID1, FalseID1, TrueID1] = Fetcher(false);
if (ID1 == 0)
@@ -235,13 +237,13 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
int ID = ID1 - 1;
MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- Node.Conds[0].ID = FalseID1 - 1;
- Node.Conds[1].ID = TrueID1 - 1;
+ Node.NextIDs[0] = FalseID1 - 1;
+ Node.NextIDs[1] = TrueID1 - 1;
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
- Node.Conds[I].Idx = INT_MIN;
+ Indices[ID][I] = INT_MIN;
- int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ auto NextID = Node.NextIDs[I];
if (NextID >= 0)
@@ -273,7 +275,7 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
assert(Node.Width > 0);
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
- int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ auto NextID = Node.NextIDs[I];
assert(NextID != 0 && "NextID should not point to the top");
if (NextID < 0) {
// Decision
@@ -285,13 +287,19 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
// Inter Node
auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
- assert(Node.Conds[I].Idx == INT_MIN);
// Assign Idx
- Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width;
- NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
+ assert(Indices[ID][I] == INT_MIN);
+ Indices[ID][I] = NextNode.Width;
+ auto NextWidth = int64_t(NextNode.Width) + Node.Width;
+ if (NextWidth > HardMaxTVs) {
+ NumTestVectors = HardMaxTVs; // Overflow
+ return;
+ }
+ NextNode.Width = NextWidth;
// Ready if all incomings are processed.
+ // Or NextNode.Width hasn't been confirmed yet.
if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
@@ -300,21 +308,28 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
// Assign TestVector Indices in Decision Nodes
- unsigned CurIdx = 0;
+ int64_t CurIdx = 0;
for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
int Width = -NegWidth;
assert(Nodes[ID].Width == Width);
- assert(Nodes[ID].Conds[C].Idx == INT_MIN);
- assert(Nodes[ID].Conds[C].ID < 0);
- Nodes[ID].Conds[C].Idx = CurIdx;
+ assert(Nodes[ID].NextIDs[C] < 0);
+ assert(Indices[ID][C] == INT_MIN);
+ Indices[ID][C] = Offset + CurIdx;
CurIdx += Width;
+ if (CurIdx > HardMaxTVs) {
+ NumTestVectors = HardMaxTVs; // Overflow
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(CurIdx < HardMaxTVs);
NumTestVectors = CurIdx;
#ifndef NDEBUG
- for (const auto &Node : Nodes)
- for (const auto &Cond : Node.Conds)
- assert(Cond.Idx != INT_MIN);
+ for (const auto &Idxs : Indices)
+ for (auto Idx : Idxs)
+ assert(Idx != INT_MIN);
+ SavedNodes = std::move(Nodes);
@@ -363,7 +378,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
unsigned BitmapIdx;
/// Mapping of a condition ID to its corresponding branch region.
- llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, const CounterMappingRegion *> Map;
+ llvm::DenseMap<int, std::array<int, 2>> NextIDsMap;
/// Vector used to track whether a condition is constant folded.
MCDCRecord::BoolVector Folded;
@@ -410,19 +425,19 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
// the truth table.
void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, int ID, int TVIdx,
unsigned Index) {
- const auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ const auto &NextIDs = NextIDsMap[ID];
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
auto MCDCCond = (I ? MCDCRecord::MCDC_True : MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
- const auto &Cond = Node.Conds[I];
- auto NextID = Cond.ID;
+ auto NextID = NextIDs[I];
+ assert(NextID == SavedNodes[ID].NextIDs[I]);
Index |= I << ID;
TV[ID] = MCDCCond;
if (NextID >= 0) {
- buildTestVector(TV, NextID, TVIdx + Cond.Idx, Index);
+ buildTestVector(TV, NextID, TVIdx + Indices[ID][I], Index);
} else {
- assert(TVIdx < Node.Width);
- recordTestVector(TV, Cond.Idx + TVIdx, Index, MCDCCond);
+ assert(TVIdx < SavedNodes[ID].Width);
+ recordTestVector(TV, Indices[ID][I] + TVIdx, Index, MCDCCond);
@@ -439,7 +454,8 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
// `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
buildTestVector(TV, 0, 0, 0);
- assert(TVIdxs.size() == NumTestVectors && "TVIdxs wasn't fulfilled");
+ assert(TVIdxs.size() == unsigned(NumTestVectors) &&
+ "TVIdxs wasn't fulfilled");
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
@@ -499,7 +515,8 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
// - Record whether the condition is constant folded so that we exclude it
// from being measured.
for (const auto *B : Branches) {
- Map[B->MCDCParams.ID] = B;
+ NextIDsMap[B->MCDCParams.ID - 1] = {int(B->MCDCParams.FalseID) - 1,
+ int(B->MCDCParams.TrueID) - 1};
PosToID[I] = B->MCDCParams.ID - 1;
CondLoc[I] = B->startLoc();
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
>From e3de6478e296c7dca9244d70fd8f5063232c32ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 20:19:53 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 07/10] [CoverageMapping] Refactor `mcdc::TVIdxBuilder`
* Sink `TVIdxBuilder` into `mcdc::`.
* The ctor accepts `SmallVector<ConditionIDs>` indexed by `ID`.
* `class NextIDsBuilder` provides `NextIDs` as`SmallVector<ConditionIDs>`,
for `TVIdxBuilder` to use it before `MCDCRecordProcessor()`.
It was `BranchParamsMap` or `Map` as `DenseMap<Branch>`.
* `NodeIDs` and `Fetcher` function are deprecated.
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 22 ++----
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 72 ++++++++-----------
2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index cb3b260973e9f1..4ac1d88f9206d4 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -551,13 +551,14 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
+namespace mcdc {
/// Compute Indices from Branch-like structure
-class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+class TVIdxBuilder {
struct MCDCNode {
int InCount = 0; /// Reference count; temporary use
int Width; /// Number of accumulated paths (>= 1)
- std::array<int, 2> NextIDs;
+ ConditionIDs NextIDs;
#ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
SmallVector<MCDCNode> SavedNodes;
- /// Output: Index for TestVectors bitmap
+ /// Output: Index for TestVectors bitmap (These are not CondIDs)
SmallVector<std::array<int, 2>> Indices;
/// Output: The number of test vectors.
@@ -578,21 +579,12 @@ class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
- /// Inputs: to gather MCDCBranch-like ID to construct the BDD.
- using NodeIDs = std::tuple<mcdc::ConditionID, // ID (ends with -1)
- mcdc::ConditionID, // ID for False
- mcdc::ConditionID // ID for True
- >;
/// Calculate and assign Indices
- /// \param Fetcher Function to fetch NodeIDs.
- /// returns {size,0,0} with TellSize=ture
- /// returns {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} as the value
- /// returns {0,0,0} as the terminator
+ /// \param NextIDs The list of {FalseID, TrueID} indexed by ID
/// \param Offset Offset of index to final decisions.
- MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher,
- int Offset = 0);
+ TVIdxBuilder(const SmallVectorImpl<ConditionIDs> &NextIDs, int Offset = 0);
+} // namespace mcdc
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
/// and the obtained counter values.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 6896603debf7f2..8e6205c4b61667 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -223,34 +223,24 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
return LastPoppedValue;
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher, int Offset) {
+mcdc::TVIdxBuilder::TVIdxBuilder(const SmallVectorImpl<ConditionIDs> &NextIDs,
+ int Offset)
+ : Indices(NextIDs.size()) {
// Construct Nodes and set up each InCount
- mcdc::ConditionID MaxID = -1;
- auto N = std::get<0>(Fetcher(true));
+ auto N = NextIDs.size();
SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes(N);
- Indices.resize(N);
- while (true) {
- auto [ID, FalseID, TrueID] = Fetcher(false);
- if (ID < 0)
- break;
- MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
- auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- Node.NextIDs[0] = FalseID;
- Node.NextIDs[1] = TrueID;
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ for (unsigned ID = 0; ID < N; ++ID) {
+ for (unsigned C = 0; C < 2; ++C) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
- Indices[ID][I] = INT_MIN;
+ Indices[ID][C] = INT_MIN;
- auto NextID = Node.NextIDs[I];
+ auto NextID = NextIDs[ID][C];
+ Nodes[ID].NextIDs[C] = NextID;
if (NextID >= 0)
- if (MaxID < 0)
- return;
// Sort key ordered by <-Width, Ord>
SmallVector<std::tuple<int, /// -Width
unsigned, /// Ord
@@ -334,29 +324,29 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
namespace {
-/// Returns the fetcher to return {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} from Branches
-class BranchProvider {
- using NodeIDs = MCDCTVIdxBuilder::NodeIDs;
- ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
- unsigned BranchIdx = 0;
+/// Construct this->NextIDs with Branches for TVIdxBuilder to use it
+/// before MCDCRecordProcessor().
+class NextIDsBuilder {
+ SmallVector<mcdc::ConditionIDs> NextIDs;
- BranchProvider(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
- : Branches(Branches) {}
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool)> getFetcher() {
- return [this](bool TellSize) {
- if (TellSize)
- return NodeIDs(Branches.size(), 0, 0);
- if (BranchIdx >= Branches.size())
- return NodeIDs(-1, 0, 0);
- const auto &B = Branches[BranchIdx++]->getBranchParams();
- return NodeIDs(B.ID, B.Conds[false], B.Conds[true]);
- };
+ NextIDsBuilder(const ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
+ : NextIDs(Branches.size()) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DenseSet<mcdc::ConditionID> SeenIDs;
+ for (const auto *Branch : Branches) {
+ const auto &BranchParams = Branch->getBranchParams();
+ assert(BranchParams.ID >= 0 && "CondID isn't set");
+ assert(SeenIDs.insert(BranchParams.ID).second && "Duplicate CondID");
+ NextIDs[BranchParams.ID] = BranchParams.Conds;
+ }
+ assert(SeenIDs.size() == Branches.size());
-class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+class MCDCRecordProcessor : NextIDsBuilder, mcdc::TVIdxBuilder {
/// A bitmap representing the executed test vectors for a boolean expression.
/// Each index of the bitmap corresponds to a possible test vector. An index
/// with a bit value of '1' indicates that the corresponding Test Vector
@@ -376,9 +366,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
unsigned BitmapIdx;
- /// Mapping of a condition ID to its corresponding branch params.
- llvm::DenseMap<mcdc::ConditionID, mcdc::ConditionIDs> NextIDsMap;
/// Vector used to track whether a condition is constant folded.
MCDCRecord::BoolVector Folded;
@@ -397,7 +384,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
MCDCRecordProcessor(const BitVector &Bitmap,
const CounterMappingRegion &Region,
ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
- : MCDCTVIdxBuilder(BranchProvider(Branches).getFetcher()), Bitmap(Bitmap),
+ : NextIDsBuilder(Branches), TVIdxBuilder(this->NextIDs), Bitmap(Bitmap),
Region(Region), DecisionParams(Region.getDecisionParams()),
Branches(Branches), NumConditions(DecisionParams.NumConditions),
BitmapIdx(DecisionParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
@@ -416,7 +403,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
static_assert(MCDCRecord::MCDC_True == 1);
Index |= MCDCCond << ID;
TV[ID] = MCDCCond;
- auto NextID = NextIDsMap[ID][MCDCCond];
+ auto NextID = NextIDs[ID][MCDCCond];
auto NextTVIdx = TVIdx + Indices[ID][MCDCCond];
assert(NextID == SavedNodes[ID].NextIDs[MCDCCond]);
if (NextID >= 0) {
@@ -513,7 +500,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
// from being measured.
for (const auto *B : Branches) {
const auto &BranchParams = B->getBranchParams();
- NextIDsMap[BranchParams.ID] = BranchParams.Conds;
PosToID[I] = BranchParams.ID;
CondLoc[I] = B->startLoc();
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
>From 753d0ad692c56b81d471d4c8282bb41432fcd815 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 22:18:19 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 08/10] remove <functional>
llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 4ac1d88f9206d4..c34c6f70de6b3b 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
-#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
>From 17cbac7f99d2b800dc008d3413886495d03531d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:02:02 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 09/10] Update comments.
.../llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 16 +++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index c34c6f70de6b3b..b39f262c3d976b 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -551,7 +551,20 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
namespace mcdc {
-/// Compute Indices from Branch-like structure
+/// Compute TestVector Indices "TVIdx" from the Conds graph.
+/// Clang CodeGen handles the bitmap index based on TVIdx.
+/// llvm-cov reconstructs conditions from TVIdx.
+/// For each leaf "The final decision",
+/// - TVIdx should be unique.
+/// - TVIdx has the Width.
+/// - The width represents the number of possible paths.
+/// - The minimum width is 1 "deterministic".
+/// - The order of leaves are sorted by Width DESC. It expects
+/// latter TVIdx(s) (with Width=1) could be pruned and altered to
+/// other simple branch conditions.
class TVIdxBuilder {
struct MCDCNode {
@@ -580,6 +593,7 @@ class TVIdxBuilder {
/// Calculate and assign Indices
/// \param NextIDs The list of {FalseID, TrueID} indexed by ID
+ /// The first element [0] should be the root node.
/// \param Offset Offset of index to final decisions.
TVIdxBuilder(const SmallVectorImpl<ConditionIDs> &NextIDs, int Offset = 0);
>From 1a4ffa7f2dc2b6ed1af1ef128865c29bf9cfc752 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:02:02 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 10/10] Add unittest
.../ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp | 56 +++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 56 insertions(+)
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
index 425b3d10510af7..c5b7c26bef9a7e 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "llvm/Testing/Support/SupportHelpers.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
@@ -1074,4 +1075,59 @@ TEST(CoverageMappingTest, filename_compilation_dir) {
+TEST(CoverageMappingTest, TVIdxBuilder) {
+ // ((n0 && n3) || (n2 && n4) || (n1 && n5))
+ static const std::array<mcdc::ConditionIDs, 6> Branches = {{
+ {2, 3},
+ {-1, 5},
+ {1, 4},
+ {2, -1},
+ {1, -1},
+ {-1, -1},
+ }};
+ int Offset = 1000;
+ auto TheBuilder = mcdc::TVIdxBuilder(
+ SmallVector<mcdc::ConditionIDs>(ArrayRef(Branches)), Offset);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(TheBuilder.NumTestVectors < TheBuilder.HardMaxTVs);
+ ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.Indices.size(), 6u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.NumTestVectors, 15);
+ std::map<int, int> Decisions;
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < TheBuilder.Indices.size(); ++I) {
+ struct Rec {
+ int Width;
+ std::array<int, 2> Indices;
+ };
+ static const std::array<Rec, 6> IndicesRefs = {{
+ {1, {0, 0}},
+ {4, {1000, 0}},
+ {2, {0, 0}},
+ {1, {1, 1014}},
+ {2, {2, 1012}},
+ {4, {1004, 1008}},
+ }};
+ ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.Indices[I], IndicesRefs[I].Indices);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ const auto &Node = TheBuilder.SavedNodes[I];
+ ASSERT_EQ(Node.Width, IndicesRefs[I].Width);
+ for (int C = 0; C < 2; ++C) {
+ auto Index = TheBuilder.Indices[I][C];
+ if (Node.NextIDs[C] < 0)
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Decisions.insert({Index, Node.Width}).second);
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ int NextIdx = Offset;
+ for (const auto [Index, Width] : Decisions) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(Index, NextIdx);
+ NextIdx += Width;
+ }
+ // The sum of Width(s) is NumTVs.
+ ASSERT_EQ(NextIdx, Offset + TheBuilder.NumTestVectors);
} // end anonymous namespace
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