[clang] [compiler-rt] [llvm] [clang-repl] [ORC] Add support for out-of-process execution on ELF (PR #79936)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 19 10:45:34 PST 2024

jameshu15869 wrote:

Hi @weliveindetail, thank you for the comments sorry about the extremely delayed response - school has been busy and I just started a new job recently, so I haven't had much time to focus on other things. 

I was originally thinking that a lot of the ORC runtime changes might not make sense on their own, but now I agree that it makes sense to review them in isolation and agree on lifting RPC utilities. I also agree with your points creating the connection earlier. 

For the design decisions, I was mostly following the model for `Interpreter::createWithCUDA`, and I don't think that we had a specific design discussion about the best approach to take. Currently, I think we're passing the `ExecutorProcessControl` object from `ClangRepl` to `Interpreter` first, where it then gets used in `IncrementalExecutor` when the executor is actually created (Since creation is delayed until the first call to `Execute()`). Were you referring to something a little different?

Unfortunately, I've had a lot more on my plate this semester and might not have the free time to continue working on this. Should I leave the PR as a draft? Or would it make more sense to close it completely and leave it as a reference for potential GSOC students?


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