[llvm] [RISCV] Strip W suffix from ADDIW, SRLIW, and SRAIW (PR #68425)

Craig Topper via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Oct 6 09:07:14 PDT 2023

@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@
 // extended bits aren't consumed or because the input was already sign extended
 // by an earlier instruction.
-// Then it removes the -w suffix from addw, slliw and mulw instructions
-// whenever all users are dependent only on the lower word of the result of the
-// instruction. We do this only for addw, slliw, and mulw because the -w forms
-// are less compressible: c.add and c.slli have a larger register encoding than
-// their w counterparts, and there's no compressible version of mulw.
+// Then it removes the -w suffix from opw instructions whenever all users are
+// dependent only on the lower word of the result of the instruction.  This is
+// profitable for addw because c.add has a larger register encoding than c.addw.
+// For the remaining opw instructions, there is no compressed w variant. This
topperc wrote:

There is a c.addiw.

C.ADDIW is an RV64C/RV128C-only instruction that performs the same computation but produces a 32-bit result, then sign-extends result to 64 bits. C.ADDIW expands into addiw rd, rd, imm. The immediate can be zero for C.ADDIW, where this corresponds to sext.w rd. C.ADDIW is only valid when rd̸=x0; the code points with rd=x0 are reserved.


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