[PATCH] D154686: [AIX][XCOFF] make integrated-as as default on AIX.

Brad Smith via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Jul 9 14:13:46 PDT 2023

brad added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/MC/MCAsmInfoXCOFF.cpp:55
   HasDotTypeDotSizeDirective = false;
-  UseIntegratedAssembler = false;
   ParseInlineAsmUsingAsmParser = true;
shchenz wrote:
> nemanjai wrote:
> > shchenz wrote:
> > > Can we add a case to test that now llc on AIX by default will generate object directly? Like:
> > > ```
> > > llc t.ll -filetype=obj -o t1.o
> > > llc t.ll -o t2.o
> > > diff t1.o t2.o
> > > ```
> > Is this actually what is expected? We use the integrated assembler on Linux and `llc` doesn't produce object files by default (nor would I want it to).
> You are right, Nemanja. This change will not impact the type of the output.
> Seems it is hard(maybe impossible?) to construct a case reflecting this code change.
> The only place that cause functionality change on AIX seems be in `AsmPrinter::emitInlineAsm()`. But `MCAI->parseInlineAsmUsingAsmParser()` is always true on AIX and there is no llc option can control it. So the change of `MCAI->useIntegratedAssembler()` will not cause difference on AIX.
> Seems it is hard(maybe impossible?) to construct a case reflecting this code change.

When I prodded a handful of backends like MSP430, VE, Hexagon to flip this option there were no cases adjusted or added. Just in some cases some issues with parsing some ASM tests

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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