[PATCH] D154686: [AIX][XCOFF] make integrated-as as default on AIX.

ChenZheng via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jul 7 21:45:10 PDT 2023

shchenz added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/MC/MCAsmInfoXCOFF.cpp:55
   HasDotTypeDotSizeDirective = false;
-  UseIntegratedAssembler = false;
   ParseInlineAsmUsingAsmParser = true;
nemanjai wrote:
> shchenz wrote:
> > Can we add a case to test that now llc on AIX by default will generate object directly? Like:
> > ```
> > llc t.ll -filetype=obj -o t1.o
> > llc t.ll -o t2.o
> > diff t1.o t2.o
> > ```
> Is this actually what is expected? We use the integrated assembler on Linux and `llc` doesn't produce object files by default (nor would I want it to).
You are right, Nemanja. This change will not impact the type of the output.

Seems it is hard(maybe impossible?) to construct a case reflecting this code change.
The only place that cause functionality change on AIX seems be in `AsmPrinter::emitInlineAsm()`. But `MCAI->parseInlineAsmUsingAsmParser()` is always true on AIX and there is no llc option can control it. So the change of `MCAI->useIntegratedAssembler()` will not cause difference on AIX.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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