[PATCH] D152921: [lld] Synthesize metadata for MTE globals

Peter Smith via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jul 4 10:52:26 PDT 2023

peter.smith added a comment.

Thanks for the updates. The code-changes look good to me on my current understanding. I've made a few suggestions on the testing. I'm hoping to read through the spec in detail to see if I've missed anything, but I don't want to let that hold up the patch if I can't get round to it in a reasonable amount of time.

Comment at: lld/test/ELF/Inputs/aarch64-memtag-globals-1.s:12
+##    const int const_global = 0;
+##    static const int hidden_const_global = 0;
+##    static char hidden_global[12] = {};
Speaking of hidden, I'm guessing that __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) might affect a variable being in the GOT in the same way as static. If it does then could be worth adding a test.

Comment at: lld/test/ELF/Inputs/aarch64-memtag-globals-1.s:51
+##        &global_extern_untagged_definition_but_tagged_import;
+	.text
The spec says that TLS variables are not tagged (although that could change), is it worth adding a case for TLS.

Comment at: lld/test/ELF/aarch64-memtag-globals.s:4
+# RUN: llvm-mc --filetype=obj -triple=aarch64-none-linux-android \
+# RUN:   %S/Inputs/aarch64-memtag-globals-1.s -o %t1.o
+# RUN: llvm-mc --filetype=obj -triple=aarch64-none-linux-android \
One thing that might be worth doing is using split-file (see aarch64-thunk-pi.s for an example ) to include instructions to create aarch64-memtag-globals-1.s and memtag-globals-2.s in the same source file. There's a chance it makes it too big to be worth the effort, but could be worth an expirement to see if it is easier to read than splitting across several files.

Comment at: lld/test/ELF/aarch64-memtag-globals.s:10
+## Normally relocations are printed before the symbol tables, so reorder it a
+## bit to make it easier on matching addresses of relocatiosn up with the
+## symbols.
typo in relocatiosn 

Comment at: lld/test/ELF/aarch64-memtag-globals.s:16
+# RUN: llvm-objdump -Dz %t.so | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-SPECIAL-RELOCS
+# CHECK: Symbol table '.dynsym' contains
Worth dumping the dynamic tags to check for DT_AARCH64_MEMTAG_GLOBALS and DT_AARCH64_MEMTAG_GLOBALSSZ ?

Also could be worth dumping section headers to check for SHT_AARCH64_MEMTAG_GLOBALS_DYNAMIC

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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