[PATCH] D147763: [ARM] Emit code alignment after .arm and .thumb directives

Antonio Abbatangelo via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 25 21:29:34 PDT 2023

antangelo added inline comments.

Comment at: lld/test/ELF/arm-fix-cortex-a8-nopatch.s:92
-// CALLSITE5:      00025ffe <source5>:
-// CALLSITE5-NEXT:    25ffe:            beq.w   0x25ffa <target5>
+// CALLSITE5:      00026000 <source5>:
+// CALLSITE5-NEXT:    26000:            beq.w   0x25ffa <target5>
MaskRay wrote:
> MaskRay wrote:
> > This address adjustment will break what the test wants to check. The tests need a proper update.
> > 
> > @peter.smith 
> With this change, the test will pass even if I remove `--fix-cortex-a8`. This means the directive semantics change nullifies the purpose of the test. I think we should repair the test properly.
> With this change, the test will pass even if I remove `--fix-cortex-a8`. This means the directive semantics change nullifies the purpose of the test. I think we should repair the test properly.

I've tried this on the current `main` branch and this test passes with `--fix-cortex-a8` removed. Is it possible the test itself is in disrepair?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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