[llvm-branch-commits] [flang] [Flang][OpenMP] Derived type explicit allocatable member mapping (PR #96266)
Kareem Ergawy via llvm-branch-commits
llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jul 17 03:53:08 PDT 2024
@@ -85,67 +135,227 @@ class OMPMapInfoFinalizationPass
descriptor = alloca;
+ return descriptor;
+ }
+ /// Simple function that will generate a FIR operation accessing
+ /// the descriptors base address (BoxOffsetOp) and then generate a
+ /// MapInfoOp for it, the most important thing to note is that
+ /// we normally move the bounds from the descriptor map onto the
+ /// base address map.
+ mlir::omp::MapInfoOp getBaseAddrMap(mlir::Value descriptor,
+ mlir::OperandRange bounds,
+ int64_t mapType,
+ fir::FirOpBuilder &builder) {
+ mlir::Location loc = descriptor.getLoc();
mlir::Value baseAddrAddr = builder.create<fir::BoxOffsetOp>(
loc, descriptor, fir::BoxFieldAttr::base_addr);
// Member of the descriptor pointing at the allocated data
- mlir::Value baseAddr = builder.create<mlir::omp::MapInfoOp>(
+ return builder.create<mlir::omp::MapInfoOp>(
loc, baseAddrAddr.getType(), descriptor,
- baseAddrAddr, /*members=*/mlir::SmallVector<mlir::Value>{},
- /*member_index=*/mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr{}, op.getBounds(),
- builder.getIntegerAttr(builder.getIntegerType(64, false),
- op.getMapType().value()),
+ baseAddrAddr, mlir::SmallVector<mlir::Value>{},
+ mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr{}, bounds,
+ builder.getIntegerAttr(builder.getIntegerType(64, false), mapType),
- /*name=*/builder.getStringAttr(""),
- /*partial_map=*/builder.getBoolAttr(false));
+ builder.getStringAttr("") /*name*/,
+ builder.getBoolAttr(false) /*partial_map*/);
+ }
- // TODO: map the addendum segment of the descriptor, similarly to the
- // above base address/data pointer member.
+ /// This function adjusts the member indices vector to include a new
+ /// base address member, we take the position of the descriptor in
+ /// the member indices list, which is the index data that the base
+ /// addresses index will be based off of, as the base address is
+ /// a member of the descriptor, we must also alter other members
+ /// indices in the list to account for this new addition. This
+ /// requires extending all members with -1's if the addition of
+ /// the new base address has increased the member vector past the
+ /// original size, as we must make sure all member indices are of
+ /// the same length (think rectangle matrix) due to DenseIntElementsAttr
+ /// requiring this. We also need to be aware that we are inserting
+ /// into the middle of a member index vector in some cases (i.e.
+ /// we could be accessing the member of a descriptor type with a
+ /// subsequent map, so we must be sure to adjust any of these cases
+ /// with the addition of the new base address index value).
+ void adjustMemberIndices(
+ llvm::SmallVector<llvm::SmallVector<int32_t>> &memberIndices,
+ size_t memberIndex) {
+ // Find if the descriptor member we are basing our new base address index
+ // off of has a -1 somewhere, indicating an empty index already exists (due
+ // to a larger sized member position elsewhere) which allows us to simplify
+ // later steps a little
+ auto baseAddrIndex = memberIndices[memberIndex];
+ auto *iterPos = std::find(baseAddrIndex.begin(), baseAddrIndex.end(), -1);
- if (auto mapClauseOwner =
- llvm::dyn_cast<mlir::omp::MapClauseOwningOpInterface>(target)) {
- llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> newMapOps;
- mlir::OperandRange mapOperandsArr = mapClauseOwner.getMapOperands();
+ // If we aren't at the end, as we found a -1, we can simply modify the -1
+ // to the base addresses index in the descriptor (which will always be the
+ // first member in the descriptor, so 0). If not, then we're extending the
+ // index list and have to push on a 0 and adjust the position to the new
+ // end.
+ if (iterPos != baseAddrIndex.end()) {
+ *iterPos = 0;
+ } else {
+ baseAddrIndex.push_back(0);
+ iterPos = baseAddrIndex.end();
+ }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mapOperandsArr.size(); ++i) {
- if (mapOperandsArr[i] == op) {
- // Push new implicit maps generated for the descriptor.
- newMapOps.push_back(baseAddr);
+ auto isEqual = [](auto first1, auto last1, auto first2, auto last2) {
ergawy wrote:
Dejavu! Can you create a shared util of this lambda in `Utils.cpp`. The logic here is a bit involved and having a shared well-documented util would be nice.
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