[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D151268: [lldb][DataFormatter] Add dereference support to libstdcpp std::shared_ptr formatter

Michael Buch via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 25 00:38:38 PDT 2023

Michael137 added a subscriber: compnerd.
Michael137 added a comment.

Any chance someone with a working aarch64 windows 10 setup could take a look? (@compnerd ?) Or let me know how I might be able to set this up.

The place where we seem to crash in `TestVarPath.py` is:

  # Make sure we don't crash when looking for non existant child     
  # in type with synthetic children. This used to cause a crash.     
  v = frame.GetValueForVariablePath('pt_sp->not_valid_child')        
                  "Make sure we don't find 'pt_sp->not_valid_child'")

A crash that was previously addressed in `0d6f681292d5a`. Interestingly, the code path that was added in that patch is the one that we used to take before adding support for `$$dereference$$` in this patch.



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