[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D151268: [lldb][DataFormatter] Add dereference support to libstdcpp std::shared_ptr formatter

Michael Buch via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 23 16:07:55 PDT 2023

Michael137 created this revision.
Herald added a project: All.
Michael137 requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: LLDB.
Herald added a subscriber: lldb-commits.

This mimicks the implementation of the libstdcpp std::unique_ptr

This has been attempted several years ago in
`0789722d85cf1f1fdbe2ffb2245ea0ba034a9f94` but was reverted in

The difference to the original patch is that we now maintain
a `$$dereference$$` member and we only store weak pointers
to the other children inside the synthetic frontend. This is
what the libc++ formatters do to prevent the recursion mentioned
in the revert commit.

This patch addresses https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/62825

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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