[Lldb-commits] [lldb] 27f27d1 - [lldb] Use ObjectFileJSON to create modules for interactive crashlogs

Jonas Devlieghere via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Apr 13 16:56:35 PDT 2023

Author: Jonas Devlieghere
Date: 2023-04-13T16:56:29-07:00
New Revision: 27f27d15f6c90b026eca23b8ee238fdbf772fd80

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/27f27d15f6c90b026eca23b8ee238fdbf772fd80
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/27f27d15f6c90b026eca23b8ee238fdbf772fd80.diff

LOG: [lldb] Use ObjectFileJSON to create modules for interactive crashlogs

Create an artificial module using a JSON object file when we can't
locate the module and dSYM through dsymForUUID (or however
locate_module_and_debug_symbols is implemented). By parsing the symbols
from the crashlog and making them part of the JSON object file, LLDB can
symbolicate frames it otherwise wouldn't be able to, as there is no
module for it.

For non-interactive crashlogs, that never was a problem because we could
simply show the "pre-symbolicated" frame from the input. For interactive
crashlogs, we need a way to pass the symbol information to LLDB so that
it can symbolicate the frames, which is what motivated the JSON object
file format.

Differential revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D148172




diff  --git a/lldb/examples/python/crashlog.py b/lldb/examples/python/crashlog.py
index 68ead43ce8692..dadab3cd8b7f4 100755
--- a/lldb/examples/python/crashlog.py
+++ b/lldb/examples/python/crashlog.py
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ class Thread:
         def __init__(self, index, app_specific_backtrace):
             self.index = index
             self.id = index
+            self.images = list()
             self.frames = list()
             self.idents = list()
             self.registers = dict()
@@ -456,6 +457,11 @@ def parse_json(buffer):
             return None
+    def __init__(self, debugger, path, verbose):
+        super().__init__(debugger, path, verbose)
+        # List of DarwinImages sorted by their index.
+        self.images = list()
     def parse(self):
@@ -506,7 +512,6 @@ def parse_crash_reason(self, json_exception):
     def parse_images(self, json_images):
-        idx = 0
         for json_image in json_images:
             img_uuid = uuid.UUID(json_image['uuid'])
             low = int(json_image['base'])
@@ -518,8 +523,8 @@ def parse_images(self, json_images):
             darwin_image = self.crashlog.DarwinImage(low, high, name, version,
                                                      img_uuid, path,
+            self.images.append(darwin_image)
-            idx += 1
     def parse_main_image(self, json_data):
         if 'procName' in json_data:
@@ -539,6 +544,17 @@ def parse_frames(self, thread, json_frames):
             frame_offset = int(json_frame['imageOffset'])
             image_addr = self.get_used_image(image_id)['base']
             pc = image_addr + frame_offset
+            if 'symbol' in json_frame:
+                symbol = json_frame['symbol']
+                location = int(json_frame['symbolLocation'])
+                image = self.images[image_id]
+                image.symbols[symbol] = {
+                    "name": symbol,
+                    "type": "code",
+                    "address": frame_offset - location
+                }
             thread.frames.append(self.crashlog.Frame(idx, pc, frame_offset))
             # on arm64 systems, if it jump through a null function pointer,
@@ -1015,40 +1031,25 @@ def SymbolicateCrashLog(crash_log, options):
     target = crash_log.create_target()
     if not target:
-    exe_module = target.GetModuleAtIndex(0)
-    images_to_load = list()
-    loaded_images = list()
     if options.load_all_images:
-        # --load-all option was specified, load everything up
         for image in crash_log.images:
-            images_to_load.append(image)
-    else:
-        # Only load the images found in stack frames for the crashed threads
-        if options.crashed_only:
-            for thread in crash_log.threads:
-                if thread.did_crash():
-                    for ident in thread.idents:
-                        images = crash_log.find_images_with_identifier(ident)
-                        if images:
-                            for image in images:
-                                images_to_load.append(image)
-                        else:
-                            print('error: can\'t find image for identifier "%s"' % ident)
-        else:
-            for ident in crash_log.idents:
-                images = crash_log.find_images_with_identifier(ident)
-                if images:
-                    for image in images:
-                        images_to_load.append(image)
-                else:
-                    print('error: can\'t find image for identifier "%s"' % ident)
+            image.resolve = True
+    elif options.crashed_only:
+        for thread in crash_log.threads:
+            if thread.did_crash():
+                for ident in thread.idents:
+                    for image in self.crashlog.find_images_with_identifier(ident):
+                        image.resolve = True
     futures = []
+    loaded_images = []
     with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
         def add_module(image, target):
             return image, image.add_module(target)
-        for image in images_to_load:
+        for image in crash_log.images:
             futures.append(executor.submit(add_module, image=image, target=target))
         for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):

diff  --git a/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/crashlog_scripted_process.py b/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/crashlog_scripted_process.py
index 236853e826c56..c913c86af11aa 100644
--- a/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/crashlog_scripted_process.py
+++ b/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/crashlog_scripted_process.py
@@ -22,27 +22,28 @@ def set_crashlog(self, crashlog):
         if hasattr(self.crashlog, 'asb'):
             self.extended_thread_info = self.crashlog.asb
-        def load_images(self, images):
-            #TODO: Add to self.loaded_images and load images in lldb
-            if images:
-                for image in images:
-                    if image not in self.loaded_images:
-                        if image.uuid == uuid.UUID(int=0):
-                            continue
-                        err = image.add_module(self.target)
-                        if err:
-                            # Append to SBCommandReturnObject
-                            print(err)
-                        else:
-                            self.loaded_images.append(image)
+        if self.load_all_images:
+            for image in self.crashlog.images:
+                image.resolve = True
+        else:
+            for thread in self.crashlog.threads:
+                if thread.did_crash():
+                    for ident in thread.idents:
+                        for image in self.crashlog.find_images_with_identifier(ident):
+                            image.resolve = True
+        for image in self.crashlog.images:
+            if image not in self.loaded_images:
+                if image.uuid == uuid.UUID(int=0):
+                    continue
+                err = image.add_module(self.target)
+                if err:
+                    # Append to SBCommandReturnObject
+                    print(err)
+                else:
+                    self.loaded_images.append(image)
         for thread in self.crashlog.threads:
-            if self.load_all_images:
-                load_images(self, self.crashlog.images)
-            elif thread.did_crash():
-                for ident in thread.idents:
-                    load_images(self, self.crashlog.find_images_with_identifier(ident))
             if hasattr(thread, 'app_specific_backtrace') and thread.app_specific_backtrace:
                 # We don't want to include the Application Specific Backtrace
                 # Thread into the Scripted Process' Thread list.

diff  --git a/lldb/examples/python/symbolication.py b/lldb/examples/python/symbolication.py
index c722b73faa06a..9784c28a44766 100755
--- a/lldb/examples/python/symbolication.py
+++ b/lldb/examples/python/symbolication.py
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 import sys
 import time
 import uuid
+import json
+import tempfile
 class Address:
@@ -230,6 +232,7 @@ class Image:
     def __init__(self, path, uuid=None):
         self.path = path
         self.resolved_path = None
+        self.resolve = False
         self.resolved = False
         self.unavailable = False
         self.uuid = uuid
@@ -240,6 +243,7 @@ def __init__(self, path, uuid=None):
         self.module = None
         self.symfile = None
         self.slide = None
+        self.symbols = dict()
     def InitWithSBTargetAndSBModule(cls, target, module):
@@ -372,14 +376,32 @@ def add_module(self, target):
             uuid_str = self.get_normalized_uuid_string()
             if uuid_str:
                 self.module = target.AddModule(None, None, uuid_str)
-            if not self.module:
+            if not self.module and self.resolve:
-                if self.unavailable:
-                    return None
-                resolved_path = self.get_resolved_path()
-                self.module = target.AddModule(
-                    resolved_path, None, uuid_str, self.symfile)
-            if not self.module:
+                if not self.unavailable:
+                    resolved_path = self.get_resolved_path()
+                    self.module = target.AddModule(
+                        resolved_path, None, uuid_str, self.symfile)
+            if not self.module and self.section_infos:
+                name = os.path.basename(self.path)
+                with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.' + name) as tf:
+                    data = {
+                        'triple': target.triple,
+                        'uuid': uuid_str,
+                        'type': 'sharedlibrary',
+                        'sections': list(),
+                        'symbols': list()
+                    }
+                    for section in self.section_infos:
+                        data['sections'].append({
+                            'name' : section.name,
+                            'size': section.end_addr - section.start_addr
+                            })
+                    data['symbols'] = list(self.symbols.values())
+                    with open(tf.name, 'w') as f:
+                        f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
+                    self.module = target.AddModule(tf.name, None, uuid_str)
+            if not self.module and not self.unavailable:
                 return 'error: unable to get module for (%s) "%s"' % (
                     self.arch, self.get_resolved_path())
             if self.has_section_load_info():

diff  --git a/lldb/test/Shell/ScriptInterpreter/Python/Crashlog/Inputs/interactive_crashlog/multithread-test.ips b/lldb/test/Shell/ScriptInterpreter/Python/Crashlog/Inputs/interactive_crashlog/multithread-test.ips
index 33153c81f37f0..23ce9d06886af 100644
--- a/lldb/test/Shell/ScriptInterpreter/Python/Crashlog/Inputs/interactive_crashlog/multithread-test.ips
+++ b/lldb/test/Shell/ScriptInterpreter/Python/Crashlog/Inputs/interactive_crashlog/multithread-test.ips
@@ -478,6 +478,15 @@
       "source" : "A",
       "base" : 0,
       "uuid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
+    },
+    {
+      "arch": "arm64",
+      "base": 12345,
+      "name": "bogus.dylib",
+      "path": "/usr/lib/system/bogus.dylib",
+      "size": 1000,
+      "source": "P",
+      "uuid": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"
   "userID": 501,

diff  --git a/lldb/test/Shell/ScriptInterpreter/Python/Crashlog/skipped_status_interactive_crashlog.test b/lldb/test/Shell/ScriptInterpreter/Python/Crashlog/skipped_status_interactive_crashlog.test
index b120b9663a27c..81e06868eaee7 100644
--- a/lldb/test/Shell/ScriptInterpreter/Python/Crashlog/skipped_status_interactive_crashlog.test
+++ b/lldb/test/Shell/ScriptInterpreter/Python/Crashlog/skipped_status_interactive_crashlog.test
@@ -41,3 +41,6 @@ bt all
 # CHECK-NEXT:    frame #2: 0x0000000100ec5a87 multithread-test`compute_pow{{.*}} [artificial]
 # CHECK:    frame #{{[0-9]+}}: 0x000000019cc7e06b{{.*}} [artificial]
 # CHECK:    frame #{{[0-9]+}}: 0x000000019cc78e2b{{.*}} [artificial]
+image list
+# CHECK: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 {{.*}}bogus.dylib


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