[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D47708: PDB support of function-level linking and splitted functions

Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 7 07:27:30 PDT 2018

labath added a comment.

Thank you for implementing the lldb-test extension. Now that we have that, and the `/order`, we should be able to get rid of the binaries for the function-level-linking test. You should be able to rewrite it into something like this:


  // REQUIRES: windows lld
  // RUN: clang-cl /c /Zi /Gy %s /o %t
  // RUN: lld-link /debug:full /nodefaultlib /entry:main order:@%S/Inputs/function-level-linking.ord %t.obj /out:%t
  // RUN: lldb-test symbols -verify %t
  #include "function-level-linking.h" // You'll probably need to adjust the include path for this to work.
  int foo() {
    return 0;
  int main() {
    return foo() + bar() + baz();

As for the second test, does it actually bring anything new to the table? As far as I can tell, the line table parsing code does not actually use any information about functions. Combined with the fact that we don't know how to write the test without checked in binaries, maybe we could just drop it ?


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