[cfe-dev] stddef doesn't support for wint_t at windows mingw.

罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo) luoyonggang at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 05:34:58 PDT 2009

Once I compiled clang+llvm by mingw or msvc.
I set the environment.
And I calling the command clang hello.c -o hello.exe
But it's doesn't working. Because It's can't find out the stddef.h.
And this file is placed at  Headers. And this path "path/Headers" is
not add to the default path of mingw.
So I need to call it like this
 clang hello.c -ID:/clang/Headers -o hello.exe
But it's tell me the don't know the identifier wint_t.
And I found the in the mingw c runtime headers. It's doesn't define wint_t.
So I need to define wint_t in stddef.h.

If it's possible, to add Headers to the default path.
Or place Headers to lib/clang/1.0/include

Yonggang Luo

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