[cfe-dev] odcctools-20090808

Peter O'Gorman peter at pogma.com
Sat Aug 8 18:08:18 PDT 2009

Alexei Svitkine wrote:
> Is it independent of Google's project to make cctools portable, as per:
> http://code.google.com/p/toolwhip

I was unaware of this.


> ?
> -Alexei
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Peter O'Gorman<peter at pogma.com> wrote:
>> Chris Lattner wrote:
>>> On Aug 8, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Peter O'Gorman wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I spent some time a month or so ago bringing odcctools up to the latest
>>>> Xcode-3.1.2 source release. I had planned to do more, but got distracted
>>>> by work etc. So I thought I had better make some kind of release of what
>>>> I had done.
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> What is odcctools?
>> Sorry, I didn't say, did I. It is Apple's cctools and ld64, but patched
>> for portability to build on other systems, making it possible to compile
>> and link binaries on linux that will run on a darwin host.
>> Peter
>>> -Chris
>>>> This release is only minimally tested, I built a couple of "hello world"
>>>> type programs on my linux/x86 system and ran them on my darwin/x86
>>>> machine without problems using both a gcc cross compiler and clang. No
>>>> serious testing has been done. I have not tested it at all on darwin,
>>>> though it did at least build for me once, a few weeks ago.
>>>> Other notable things:
>>>> ld64 has a -force_load flag to load all members of specific archives.
>>>> (this is a feature from the iphoneos 3.0 source release).
>>>> ld64 will use libLTO if configure detects it.
>>>> Builds as for all 5 arches.
>>>> requires libuuid.
>>>> I don't have much time to devote to odcctools, however if you have
>>>> problems, please do email me. If you want the problems fixed soon,
>>>> sending patches will help.
>>>> This release wouldn't have been possible without the previous work of
>>>> Shantonu Sen, and Apple's release of the source code for all the
>>>> projects that are required to build ld64 and cctools (I hope the sources
>>>> for the new projects that are required to build the ld64/cctools for Mac
>>>> OS X 10.6 are also made available when that is released).
>>>> The tarball is available here (yes, it is just checked in to svn):
>>>> http://svn.macosforge.org/repository/odcctools/release/odcctools-20090808.tar.bz2
>>>> SHA1 sum is:
>>>> 8099a75396d5ac1621f04c977212067d97e3c540
>>>> The svn repository is hosted at macosforge.org
>>>> (http://svn.macosforge.org/repository/odcctools/trunk/).
>>>> For clang, I used this small patch to make sure that clang tried for
>>>> <triple>-tool before trying plain tool:
>>>> Index: lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> --- lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp    (revision 77972)
>>>> +++ lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp    (working copy)
>>>> @@ -31,5 +31,8 @@
>>>> llvm::sys::Path ToolChain::GetProgramPath(const Compilation &C,
>>>>                                           const char *Name,
>>>>                                           bool WantFile) const {
>>>> +  std::string prefixedName = getTripleString() + "-" + Name;
>>>> +  llvm::sys::Path prefixed =
>>>> Host.getDriver().GetProgramPath(prefixedName.c_str(), *this, WantFile);
>>>> +  if (prefixed.exists()) return prefixed;
>>>>   return Host.getDriver().GetProgramPath(Name, *this, WantFile);
>>>> }
>>>> I am not sure that it is the "correct" way to do it, but it seemed to
>>>> work for me.
>>>> Also, I really like how, with clang, it is not necessary to build a
>>>> cross compiler, just clang -ccc-host-triple i386-apple-darwin9.7 -c -o
>>>> foo foo.c, and I have a working foo.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Peter
>>>> --
>>>> Peter O'Gorman
>>>> http://pogma.com
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>> --
>> Peter O'Gorman
>> http://pogma.com
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Peter O'Gorman

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