[clang] [clang] Lower _BitInt(129+) to a different type in LLVM IR (PR #91364)

Erich Keane via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 7 11:11:44 PDT 2024

erichkeane wrote:

> > It seems to me this is a case where we're trying to work -around an llvm bug? Should we just be fixing that instead?
> You mean, revert https://reviews.llvm.org/D86310 ? Making any changes in LLVM here is painful; I'd rather not revisit that. CC @hvdijk @rnk

I didn't, no, but I hadn't seen all that conversation.

Aaron has explained a bit more of the context here, and I'm finding myself pretty confused/out of the loop.  As this is effectively all codegen, I suspect you, plus your CCs are the best ones to review this.  I don't see a problem except for the FPGA folks to this, though between:

1- FPGA folks rarely/ever use large types like this if they can help it.
2- The FPGA group being spun off from Intel, meaning the original stakeholders are all gone
and 3- Me no longer being at Intel 

I don't think I have strong feelings here. 


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