[Openmp-dev] Implementation of nowait and async in libomptarget

Römmer, Manoel via Openmp-dev openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 14 13:03:52 PDT 2020

Hi everyone,

I'm looking into the use of `nowait` with target regions and I have some questions about the implementation in libomptarget, maybe someone here can help me with some details.

Libomptarget has an optional async interface, for plugins to implement. I orignally expected, that nowait target regions would be implemented with a call to __tgt_run_target_region_async(), but the implementation in libomptarget seems to always use the async interface when available (even for blocking target region executions) and always tries to synchronize after a target region is executed.

Can someone tell me if I got this right and how a `#pragma omp target nowait` is handled by the openmp runtime?


Manoel Römmer

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