[Openmp-dev] nvlink reported undefined reference when building OpenMP offloading program

Shilei Tian via Openmp-dev openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Nov 4 18:30:58 PST 2019


I was trying to build an OpenMP offloading program. nvlink always reported following error:

nvlink error   : Undefined reference to '_Z25GetLogicalThreadIdInBlockb' in '/tmp/main-02fcf5.cubin'
nvlink error   : Undefined reference to '_Z13checkSPMDModeP5ident' in '/tmp/main-02fcf5.cubin'
nvlink error   : Undefined reference to '_Z14GetOmpThreadIdib' in '/tmp/main-02fcf5.cubin'
nvlink error   : Undefined reference to '_Z22setExecutionParameters13ExecutionMode11RuntimeMode' in '/tmp/main-02fcf5.cubin'
nvlink error   : Undefined reference to '_Z18GetThreadIdInBlockv' in '/tmp/main-02fcf5.cubin'
nvlink error   : Undefined reference to '_Z24GetNumberOfWorkersInTeamv' in '/tmp/main-02fcf5.cubin'
nvlink error   : Undefined reference to '_Z16IncParallelLevelbj' in '/tmp/main-02fcf5.cubin'
nvlink error   : Undefined reference to '_Z16DecParallelLevelbj' in '/tmp/main-02fcf5.cubin’

I was using clang which was built with trunk via following CMake command:

make -j $(nproc)

OpenMP library was built via following CMake command:

make -j $(nproc)

And finally the compilation command is:

clang -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64 main.c

Did I miss something? The program is very simple:

 int main() {
   int i = 0;

 #pragma omp target nowait
     int k = 0;

   int j = 0;
 #pragma omp target nowait

   return 0;

I have CUDA 10.1 on the system.


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