[Openmp-dev] offloading library

Cramer, Tim Cramer at itc.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Jun 9 04:00:57 PDT 2015

Hi Samuel,
>From my (users / tool developers) perspective libomptarget/liboffload should be part of the OpenMP project, because all target constructs are part of the OpenMP standard. Furthermore, it will make things easier for an extension of the tools interface OMPT for such constructs, because we can use the available infrastructure. Such an extension is currently discussed in the language committee. 
From: openmp-dev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu [mailto:openmp-dev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu] On Behalf Of Samuel F Antao
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 10:08 PM
To: Hervé Yviquel
Cc: Openmp-dev at dcs-maillist2.engr.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: [Openmp-dev] offloading library
Hi Herve,
We are planing on doing that integration but we haven't established a timeline yet. I am currently working on the offloading codegen part, and this library has to be available in order for that to be meaningful. I believe the natural place for it to live would be the OpenMP project. I was planing to work on the porting of what we have in github so it becomes part of LLVM too, but I didn't have the time yet, so it would be great if you contribute to this and I'm of course available to help.
A question for the maintainers: What would be the good place for that code to be? Any particular subfolder of the current tree?
Many thanks!
2015-06-03 15:05 GMT-04:00 Hervé Yviquel <herve.yviquel at ic.unicamp.br>:
Hi all,
I'm interested on the new offloading extension of OpenMP. I looked around and I suppose that you will integrate the libomptarget into the openmp runtime at some point. Is there already a predefined timeline about this ?
I'm going to add another RTL target for my research project but I need to make the library compilable on my laptop (osx).
Can I contribute with a new building system based on CMake ? 
Hervé Yviquel
Postdoc researcher
Instituto de Computação - UNICAMP

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