[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][tensor] Generalize/restrict `GeneralizeOuterUnitDimsPackOpPattern` (PR #114315)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Nov 5 06:56:34 PST 2024

@@ -1515,9 +1515,43 @@ struct GeneralizePadOpPattern : public OpRewritePattern<tensor::PadOp> {
                                const SmallVector<Value> &dynSizes) const;
-/// Rewrites a tensor::PackOp into a sequence of tensor.pad + linalg.transpose +
-/// tensor.insert_slice ops, where the tensor::PackOp has outer dims being all
-/// 1s.
+/// Rewrites a tensor::PackOp into a sequence of:
+///   * tensor::PadOp + linalg::TransposeOp + tensor::ExtractSliceOp +
+///     tensor::EmptyOp + tensor::InsertSliceOp ops.
+/// Required that all the outer dims of the input tensor::PackOp are 1.
+/// Before:
+/// ```
+///   %packed = tensor.pack %input
+///     padding_value(%pad : f32)
+///     inner_dims_pos = [1, 0]
+///     inner_tiles = [2, %high]
+///     into %output : tensor<5x1xf32> -> tensor<1x1x2x?xf32>
+/// ```
+/// After:
+/// ```
+///   // PadOp
+///   %padded = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 0] high[%0, 1] {
+///     ^bb0(...):
+///       tensor.yield %arg2 : f32
+///   } : tensor<5x1xf32> to tensor<?x2xf32>
+///   // ExtractSliceOp
+///   %extracted_slice = tensor.extract_slice %padded[0, 0] [%tile_dim_1, 2] [1,
+///   1]
Max191 wrote:

This may not be in the scope of this PR to change this, but what exactly is this extract_slice for? It seems to me like it is just taking a full slice. Is the slice ever not full?


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