[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][tensor] Generalize/restrict `GeneralizeOuterUnitDimsPackOpPattern` (PR #114315)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Nov 5 06:56:34 PST 2024

@@ -1138,6 +1139,29 @@ getPackUnpackRankReducedPerm(ArrayRef<int64_t> shape,
   return perm;
+// A helper function to generate a dim-and-size pair for Ops like
+// ExtractSliceOp that require both:
+//  * dims to specify the output shape, and
+//  * sizes for the sizes attribute (or similar).
+// For dynamic sizes, if the corresponding size is a compile time constant:
+//  * the return size becomes the attribute encapsulating the known size, and
+//  * dim is updated from kDynamic to its actual known value.
+static std::pair<int64_t, OpFoldResult>
+getSimplifiedDimSizePair(OpFoldResult tileSizeOfr, PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
Max191 wrote:

This seems like a useful util, maybe move it to `Dialect/Utils/StaticValueUtils.h`?


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