[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR][Tensor] Canonicalize fully covering slice insertions into tensors with unit prefixes (PR #92912)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed May 22 19:09:08 PDT 2024

MaheshRavishankar wrote:

> > There might not be a single form. The two equivalent programs are equivalent and there is nothing to chose between them without additional context that only exist in the use case.
> Sorry but I don't see any first principles coming from your statement here: in particular when it comes to a very simple case like here that only involve 1 op before and after the canonicalization, we ought to be able to select one!
> Going back to this pattern: what makes it more difficult to match `tensor.expand_shape`  rather than `insert_slice`?
> We're in the same dialect, the same level of abstraction, I really don't see the argument against picking one side or the other here!

This is exactly my point. There is no argument to pick one over the other. So what's stopping me from writing the reverse and add that to a canonicalization?

> >> If you have an expand shape in the input IR: would you do the opposite transformation?
> > No. IMO that is an opinionated decision. Should be left to the downstream users to pick what works for their context.
> Unfortunately this isn't how MLIR Canonicalization is designed: you either canonicalize, or you don't.
> Actually we expose for canonicalize an option “disable-patterns” which takes a string list of patterns to filter out which kind of does what you want.

This option is supremely unergonomic and really cannot be used apart from simple use cases

> Otherwise, feel free to propose a redesign of the system, but this is what we have!!

These kind of statements are unhelpful and do not lead to an outcome.

The above discussion is not helping the author land his change. I would suggest just adding a new `populate*Patterns` and adding this pattern there.


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