[llvm-dev] IMPORTANT: LLVM Bugzilla migration
Aaron Ballman via llvm-dev
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 23 08:22:34 PST 2021
On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 10:50 AM Anton Korobeynikov via llvm-dev
<llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Dear All,
> After some heavy lifting we were able to make a repo that could be
> served as a preview.
> https://github.com/llvm/test8 is open for everyone with LLVM commit
> access. The example issue in question is
> https://github.com/llvm/test8/issues/42401
> Please note there is no way we can make it entirely read-only and any
> changes might trigger notifications.
Thank you for this, it's been very useful for spot-checking the
transition. I noticed a few things that I wanted to mention. They may
or may not be issues you can do anything about.
1) GitHub's search is pretty abysmal, but I was not expecting it to be
this level of problematic. Doing a search for something like
"attribute" to see what kind of attribute-related bugs are open is
trivial in Bugzilla and utterly useless in GitHub. I'm guessing this
wasn't expected, but I'm wondering if there's anything to be done
about it?
Bugzilla search:
GitHub search: https://github.com/llvm/test8/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+attribute
(Note, I get the same useless results in other cases, like
or https://github.com/llvm/test8/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+concepts)
2) It seems that some user accounts are being created as mannequins
rather than being hooked up to the actual user. For example,
https://github.com/llvm/test8/issues/37237#issuecomment-973565691 is a
comment by zygoloid and it is marked as "mannequin" rather than
linking to https://github.com/zygoloid. Is that expected behavior or
does this indicate some of the data wasn't migrated properly?
> On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 7:11 AM Fangrui Song <maskray at google.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 2021-11-22, Fangrui Song wrote:
> > >On 2021-11-22, Anton Korobeynikov via llvm-dev wrote:
> > >>>If we can attribute it to an anonymous entity, e.g. by putting "Anonymous LLVM Contributor 123 wrote:" at the top of a comment by llvmbot, at least readers can understand whether two comments on a bug are from the same person or from different people, for example. Can we at least do something like that?
> > >>We do this for issues. They are marked as submitted by "LLVM Bugzilla
> > >>Contributor".
> > >>
> > >>>And, if such a problem exists, I think we ought to address that problem before migration.
> > >>They had more than half a year to submit a survey and received
> > >>multiple notifications. We are not going to delay the migration due to
> > >>this.
> > >>
> > >>>I very much doubt it's true that everyone who cares will have filled it out already. I mean, just speaking for myself...I think I filled out the form? But maybe I only intended to, but forgot to get around to it? Who knows. Assuming I actually did, I'm certain there are more people in the same situation who actually did _not_.
> > >>Well, you can simply go and submit it once again. We will certainly
> > >>take care of dups.
> > >>
> > >>>Some other questions that pop into my mind:
> > >>Great! Thanks for the questions. Probably they should have asked 2
> > >>years ago. You will be able to check the results by yourself after the
> > >>migration.
> > >>
> > >
> > >Thank for all your hard work! This issue tracker system has been a pain
> > >for so many people for years.
> > >
> > >I think having a small-scale review of the post-migration github
> > >repository can be very useful. It can be 1% (or larger?) of the current
> > >~53000 issues. People will have some idea what the repository will look
> > >like, e.g. what portion of issues are anonymous.
> >
> > Extra points that a preview will be useful. We can know:
> > (use https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42401 as an example)
> >
> > * How "Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 40482" is rendered.
> > * How "Bug 40482" (there are various forms, e.g. "bug 40482", "PR40482") is rendered. In Bugzilla this translates to https://llvm.org/PR40482
> > * How Product/Component map to GitHub tags.
> > * How attachments are rendered. In Bugzilla "Created attachment 22156 [details]" is a hyperlink. I assume that the attachments will just point back to bugs.llvm.org, which will become a static content website in the future.
> > * How anonymous contributors are suffixed with unique numbers.
> >
> > >>James: I imagine it'd be pretty easy for folks to forget that they didn't fill out the sheet, since there's no way to verify whether you did or not."
> > >
> > >Agree. Deep Majumder asked the requestion in the thread. A colleague of
> > >mine asked the same question.
> > >
> > >I just visited the Bugzilla / GitHub username mapping form and re-submitted my mapping
> > >https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUSCK-Rgl9H-8Ua0yat1KL1yELChxkJk15SfhnwPnIexTQUw/viewform
> > >There is no email confirmation.
> > >
> > >A contributor may have multiple email addresses. They may not submit
> > >their bugzilla email address or they may miss the notification to their
> > >not-regularly-used email address (possible due to closed registration for
> > >a long time).
> > >
> > >Yesterday I read
> > >https://blog.llvm.org/posts/2021-11-18-relicensing-update/ and notified
> > >3 friends who were on the long-tail spreadsheet. Two of them are still
> > >contributing and told me that they missed the email notification because they
> > >had changed their primary email address. I am going to ask them whether
> > >they have submitted the mapping form...
> > >
> > >
> > >I think bugs.llvm.org has a local patch to display the banner:
> > >"New user self-registration is disabled due to spam. For an account please email bugs-admin at lists.llvm.org with your e-mail address and full name."
> > >
> > >Could the banner be toggled a bit to remind the user and show the Bugzilla / GitHub usernam mapping if submitted?
> --
> With best regards, Anton Korobeynikov
> Department of Statistical Modelling, Saint Petersburg State University
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