[llvm-dev] IMPORTANT: LLVM Bugzilla migration

Fangrui Song via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Nov 22 20:11:20 PST 2021

On 2021-11-22, Fangrui Song wrote:
>On 2021-11-22, Anton Korobeynikov via llvm-dev wrote:
>>>If we can attribute it to an anonymous entity, e.g. by putting "Anonymous LLVM Contributor 123 wrote:" at the top of a comment by llvmbot, at least readers can understand whether two comments on a bug are from the same person or from different people, for example. Can we at least do something like that?
>>We do this for issues. They are marked as submitted by "LLVM Bugzilla
>>>And, if such a problem exists, I think we ought to address that problem before migration.
>>They had more than half a year to submit a survey and received
>>multiple notifications. We are not going to delay the migration due to
>>>I very much doubt it's true that everyone who cares will have filled it out already. I mean, just speaking for myself...I think I filled out the form? But maybe I only intended to, but forgot to get around to it? Who knows. Assuming I actually did, I'm certain there are more people in the same situation who actually did _not_.
>>Well, you can simply go and submit it once again. We will certainly
>>take care of dups.
>>>Some other questions that pop into my mind:
>>Great! Thanks for the questions. Probably they should have asked 2
>>years ago. You will be able to check the results by yourself after the
>Thank for all your hard work! This issue tracker system has been a pain
>for so many people for years.
>I think having a small-scale review of the post-migration github
>repository can be very useful. It can be 1% (or larger?) of the current
>~53000 issues. People will have some idea what the repository will look
>like, e.g. what portion of issues are anonymous.

Extra points that a preview will be useful. We can know:
(use https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42401 as an example)

* How "Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 40482" is rendered.
* How "Bug 40482" (there are various forms, e.g. "bug 40482", "PR40482") is rendered. In Bugzilla this translates to https://llvm.org/PR40482
* How Product/Component map to GitHub tags.
* How attachments are rendered. In Bugzilla "Created attachment 22156 [details]" is a hyperlink. I assume that the attachments will just point back to bugs.llvm.org, which will become a static content website in the future.
* How anonymous contributors are suffixed with unique numbers.

>>James: I imagine it'd be pretty easy for folks to forget that they didn't fill out the sheet, since there's no way to verify whether you did or not."
>Agree. Deep Majumder asked the requestion in the thread. A colleague of
>mine asked the same question.
>I just visited the Bugzilla / GitHub username mapping form and re-submitted my mapping
>There is no email confirmation.
>A contributor may have multiple email addresses. They may not submit
>their bugzilla email address or they may miss the notification to their
>not-regularly-used email address (possible due to closed registration for
>a long time).
>Yesterday I read
>https://blog.llvm.org/posts/2021-11-18-relicensing-update/ and notified
>3 friends who were on the long-tail spreadsheet. Two of them are still
>contributing and told me that they missed the email notification because they
>had changed their primary email address. I am going to ask them whether
>they have submitted the mapping form...
>I think bugs.llvm.org has a local patch to display the banner:
>"New user self-registration is disabled due to spam. For an account please email bugs-admin at lists.llvm.org with your e-mail address and full name."
>Could the banner be toggled a bit to remind the user and show the Bugzilla / GitHub usernam mapping if submitted?

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