[llvm-dev] Nested instruction patterns rejected by GlobalISel when having registers in Defs

Daniel Sanders via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 9 11:21:21 PDT 2020

> On 8 Jun 2020, at 08:13, Gabriel Hjort Åkerlund <gabriel.hjort.akerlund at ericsson.com> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for replying; I was hoping to get in touch with you on this issue.
> I had a look at how SelectionIDAG does it when generating the matcher table, and it does consider the implicit defs as additional output. Here is the match table generated for the pattern:
> /*     0*/ OPC_CheckOpcode, TARGET_VAL(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND),
> /*     3*/ OPC_MoveChild0,
> /*     4*/ OPC_CheckOpcode, TARGET_VAL(ISD::SHL),
> /*     7*/ OPC_MoveChild0,
> /*     8*/ OPC_CheckOpcode, TARGET_VAL(ISD::ANY_EXTEND),
> /*    11*/ OPC_RecordChild0, // #0 = $src
> /*    12*/ OPC_CheckChild0Type, MVT::i16,
> /*    14*/ OPC_MoveParent,
> /*    15*/ OPC_RecordChild1, // #1 = $imm
> /*    16*/ OPC_MoveChild1,
> /*    17*/ OPC_CheckOpcode, TARGET_VAL(ISD::Constant),
> /*    20*/ OPC_CheckPredicate, 0, // Predicate_Imm_17_31_i16
> /*    22*/ OPC_CheckType, MVT::i16,
> /*    24*/ OPC_MoveParent,
> /*    25*/ OPC_CheckType, MVT::i32,
> /*    27*/ OPC_MoveParent,
> /*    28*/ OPC_CheckType, MVT::i40,
> /*    30*/ OPC_EmitNode1, TARGET_VAL(TargetOpcode::IMPLICIT_DEF), 0,
>                MVT::i40, 0/*#Ops*/,  // Results = #2
> /*    36*/ OPC_EmitNode1, TARGET_VAL(TargetOpcode::IMPLICIT_DEF), 0,
>                MVT::i32, 0/*#Ops*/,  // Results = #3
> /*    42*/ OPC_EmitInteger, MVT::i32, OurTarget::hi16, // Results = #4
> /*    45*/ OPC_EmitNode1, TARGET_VAL(TargetOpcode::INSERT_SUBREG), 0,
>                MVT::i32, 3/*#Ops*/, 3, 0, 4,  // Results = #5
> /*    54*/ OPC_EmitNode1, TARGET_VAL(OurTarget::clearLo32_pseudo), 0,
>                MVT::i32, 1/*#Ops*/, 5,  // Results = #6
> /*    61*/ OPC_EmitInteger, MVT::i16, 0, 
> /*    64*/ OPC_EmitRegister, MVT::i16, 0 /*zero_reg*/,
> /*    67*/ OPC_EmitInteger, MVT::i16, 0, 
> /*    70*/ OPC_EmitNode2, TARGET_VAL(OurTarget::shfts_a32_imm7), 0,
>                MVT::i32, MVT::i16, 5/*#Ops*/, 6, 1, 7, 8, 9,  // Results = #10 #11
> /*    82*/ OPC_EmitInteger, MVT::i32, OurTarget::acc,
> /*    85*/ OPC_EmitNode1, TARGET_VAL(TargetOpcode::INSERT_SUBREG), 0,
>                MVT::i40, 3/*#Ops*/, 2, 10, 12,  // Results = #13
> /*    94*/ OPC_EmitInteger, MVT::i16, 0, 
> /*    97*/ OPC_EmitRegister, MVT::i16, 0 /*zero_reg*/,
> /*   100*/ OPC_EmitInteger, MVT::i16, 0, 
> /*   103*/ OPC_MorphNodeTo1, TARGET_VAL(OurTarget::sext_a32), 0,
>                MVT::i40, 4/*#Ops*/, 13, 14, 15, 16, ...
> The line of interest here is the one below /*    70 */. There, we can see that the instruction produces two results of type MVT::i32 (the value produced by the instruction) respectively MVT::i16 (the CCReg updated by the instruction). These are labeled as results #10 respectively #11. Looking at operand identifiers after /*#Ops*/, we can see that only #10 is used by the rest of the resulting pattern (by INSERT_SUBREG), which is as intended.
> However, in the destination pattern declared in the *.td file, there is no information pertaining to which of the results should be used by the parent node. Since only tree-shaped patterns are allowed, SelectionIDAG must somehow decide which of the results are to be used by the parent node. And this decision is taken at lines 869-870 in DAGISelMatcherGen.cpp: 
>     ...
>     unsigned FinalNumOps = InstOps.size() + NumSubOps;
>     while (InstOps.size() < FinalNumOps) {
>       const TreePatternNode *Child = N->getChild(ChildNo);
>       unsigned BeforeAddingNumOps = InstOps.size();
>       EmitResultOperand(Child, InstOps);
>       assert(InstOps.size() > BeforeAddingNumOps && "Didn't add any operands");
>       // If the operand is an instruction and it produced multiple results, just
>       // take the first one.
>       if (!Child->isLeaf() && Child->getOperator()->isSubClassOf("Instruction"))
>         InstOps.resize(BeforeAddingNumOps+1);
>       ++ChildNo;
>     }
>     ...
> In other words, if a child produces more than one result SelectionIDAG always takes the first result. Those two lines originate from a patch by Chris Lattner (r99725), so presumably this is the correct way of doing it. If GlobalISel were to do the same, it would solve the issue I'm having with our patterns.

Thanks for looking into that.

There's three questions I feel I have with the SelectionDAG behaviour:
* If Defs=[A] causes SelectionDAG to add a result to the intermediate SDNode, why doesn't Defs=[A,B] add two?
* Given that SDNode's support MVT::Other results, why doesn't MVT::Other behave the same way?
* If nothing can use that result, why model it? I suppose custom C++ instruction selection can still see it so maybe that's it but if so, what code is relying on it?
The inconsistency makes me rather suspicious about it. It feels like it was a hack for a specific purpose but I don't know what that purpose is. Overall, I'm not keen to carry it forwards unless there's a clear reason it's there.

Leaving that aside for the moment. I see a difference in modelling that makes directly importing the SelectionDAG behaviour tricky. SelectionDAG uses SDNode's which keep the result list (+ the first implicit def with known type) and the operand list separate. GlobalISel uses the MachineInstr's which uses a single list in a fixed order. That order is outputs, inputs, implicits so we would need to split the results list into two pieces and defer adding the implicit def to the place it's currently added to handle it the SelectionDAG way. That being the case (and assuming we don't find a good reason for SelectionDAG's behaviour), I think the best approach for this might be to adjust the numbers that originate from GetNumNodeResults() for the `InstInfo.HasOneImplicitDefWithKnownVT(CDP.getTargetInfo()) !=MVT::Other` case to undo the adjustment CodeGenDAGPatterns does. That's an ugly solution but I think the other ones I can think of are worse.

> Best regards,
> Gabriel
> From: Daniel Sanders <daniel_l_sanders at apple.com>
> Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 9:02 PM
> To: Quentin Colombet <qcolombet at apple.com>
> Cc: Dominik Montada <dominik.montada at hightec-rt.com>; Gabriel Hjort Åkerlund <gabriel.hjort.akerlund at ericsson.com>; llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>
> Subject: Re: [llvm-dev] Nested instruction patterns rejected by GlobalISel when having registers in Defs
> The implicit defs don't participate much in the patterns. For the most part it's just read into CodeGenInstruction::ImplicitDefs and then GlobalISel gathers and adds them all at the end. I think I do see the code Gabriel is referring to though.
> GetNumNodeResults() has:
>     if (InstInfo.HasOneImplicitDefWithKnownVT(CDP.getTargetInfo()) !=MVT::Other)
>       ++NumDefsToAdd;
> and ultimately this VT gets into Types via UpdateNodeType(). I have no idea why this code does this as I don't really see why the VT matters to how you treat an implicit def. This code dates back to 2010 (r99726) and that commit called it 'funky logic' so it's unlikely that we'll find someone that remembers it.
> Does your CCReg need to have a specific type? If not, then you could make it MVT::Other and the problem should go away.
> Have you looked into how DAGISel supports these patterns? This code is common between DAGISel and GlobalISel so given that DAGISel works it must be doing something to handle this that's missing from GlobalISel.
> On 5 Jun 2020, at 11:02, Quentin Colombet <qcolombet at apple.com <mailto:qcolombet at apple.com>> wrote:
> + Daniel who knows the most about the table gen importer
> On Jun 5, 2020, at 12:48 AM, Dominik Montada via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org <mailto:llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> Your comment made me take a look at our instruction definitions and patterns in a little bit more detail. And while we do use nested patterns with INSERT_SUBREG, apparently none of those patterns use instructions with implicit-defs. Sorry for misleading you there by a wrong assumption on my part.
> However, I still find it strange that TableGen should reject such a pattern. I'm really not sure if this is simply an overlooked use-case or if there is some real reasoning behind this logic. If it were an actual output register I could understand it, but since this is an implicit one it should not impact the pattern in my opinion.
> Sorry for not being able to help out with the actual problem after all!
> Cheers,
> Dominik
> Am 04.06.20 um 15:06 schrieb Gabriel Hjort Åkerlund:
> Hi Dominik,
> Thanks for your reply.
> In my case, the Defs is the cause of the problem. Or rather, it is part of the problem, because when I remove it from the instruction TableGen gives me a different error message which concerns a part which is deeper into the pattern tree, so at least it is able to proceed beyond that part of the pattern. I have also stepped TableGen inside gdb and verified that having Defs causes GlobalISel to include CCReg in the Types field of the TreePatternNode corresponding to the instruction, which is what GlobalISel looks at to subsequently reject the pattern on basis that the instruction produces multiple results.
> But from your comment, I take it that the Defs field should never be considered actual output, is that correct? If so, I find it strange that CodeGenDAGPatterns, which parses the patterns, takes the CCReg into consideration as additional results. I am tempted to modify that part of the code, but maybe I’m missing some invariant that’s not immediately evident…
> Cheers,
> Gabriel
> From: Dominik Montada <dominik.montada at hightec-rt.com> <mailto:dominik.montada at hightec-rt.com> 
> Sent: den 4 juni 2020 14:51
> To: llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org <mailto:llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>
> Cc: Gabriel Hjort Åkerlund <gabriel.hjort.akerlund at ericsson.com> <mailto:gabriel.hjort.akerlund at ericsson.com>
> Subject: Re: [llvm-dev] Nested instruction patterns rejected by GlobalISel when having registers in Defs
> Hi Gabriel,
> I'm working on a downstream target which uses GlobalISel and we have many patterns with instructions that also define a system register as a side-effect and use them without any problem. Since CCReg is not an actual output of the instruction, but an implicit definition, GlobalISel should have no trouble with it, so I'm guessing your problem lies somewhere. Have you tried running the tablegen command manually and looked at the output there?
> The command is llvm-tblgen -gen-global-isel <couple of -I flags> <your_target>.td --write-if-changed --warn-on-skipped-patterns
> I can't tell you exactly what -I flags you'll need but if you run ninja in verbose mode or look at the ninja build log, you should be able to see what is being used.
> Word of caution however: sometimes TableGen gives you a very clear error message indicating what is wrong, sometimes it gives you a very cryptic error message. And sometimes it doesn't even give you that and behave as if everything is a-ok while it still hasn't included your pattern. I have lost countless hours trying to debug TableGen patterns with GlobalISel and there's still a lot of stuff that GlobalISel unfortunately does not support yet in TableGen. So be prepared to write some C++ code for the unsupported cases for the moment.
> Cheers,
> Dominik
> Am 04.06.20 um 14:34 schrieb Gabriel Hjort Åkerlund via llvm-dev:
> Hi,
> I am in the process of porting our target to GlobalISel, and have encountered a problem. Nearly all instructions in our instruction set make modifications to a CC register, and hence are defined as follows:
> let ..., Defs = [CCReg] in
> def shfts_a32_imm7: Instruction<(outs OurRC:$dst), ...>;
> What’s more, many of these instructions have patterns where the instruction itself appears inside a nested tree, e.g.:
> def Pat<(source pattern ...),
>         (sext_a32 (INSERT_SUBREG (...), (shfts_a32_imm7 OurRC:$src, Imm7:$imm), ...>;
> Now to the problem: When TableGen processes the instruction above, it includes the CCReg in the Defs field along with the registers appearing in outs, thereby indicating that shfts_a32_imm7 produces two results. Currently, the GlobalISel-backend in TableGen requires that nested instructions appearing in the output pattern produce exactly one result. Consequently, TableGen rejects many of our patterns. But in reality, the instruction really only produces a single result and therefore this pattern should be allowed.
> So I wonder, how should registers appear in Defs be treated? Are they equal to those appearing in outs, and therefore interchangeable, or is it valid to disambiguate between them and therefore modify TableGen to only consider outs as the result of interest when processing the patterns?
> Gabriel Hjort Åkerlund
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