[llvm-dev] IBM C/C++ and Fortran compilers to adopt LLVM open source infrastructure

André Jansen Medeiros Villar via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 25 07:48:53 PST 2020

Do you guys intend to upstream more work?

If so can you share a plan?


Em seg, 24 de fev de 2020 16:49, Kit Barton via llvm-dev <
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> escreveu:

> Hi all,
> I'm very excited to be able to share this with everyone.
> IBM announced this morning our intention to migrate our existing XL C/C++
> and Fortran compilers to adopt the LLVM infrastructure. This will include
> both front-end (Clang) and back-end optimizations and code generation.
> You can read the full announcement here:
> https://developer.ibm.com/linuxonpower/2020/02/23/ibm-c-c-and-fortran-compilers-to-adopt-llvm-open-source-infrastructure/
> If anyone has any questions/comments, I'm very happy to discuss further -
> either through email or on discord (my presence on IRC is very
> intermittent).
> Kit Barton, Ph.D.
> STSM, Technical lead for LLVM on Power and XL Compilers
> IBM Toronto Lab, C2/705/8200/MKM
> 8200 Warden Ave, Markham, L6G 1C7
> (905) 413-3452
> kbarton at ca.ibm.com
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