[llvm-dev] Get the delayed-load function binding correctly written into the image executable (dlltool)

Dmitry Mikushin via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 25 12:01:46 PDT 2020

Solved! Just for the records: everything is done right here, and the
BinUtils dlltool as of today is interoperable with Visual Studio 2019. The
only missing bit was that in the absence of MSVC-orchestrated delayed-load,
linker.exe defaults to read-only ".idata", which has to be altered by e.g.

set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME}_test_executable PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS

Note also the delayimp code for DloadObtainSection() must also be changed
slightly, as we don't have (and don't really need)

_Success_(return != nullptr)
DloadObtainSection (
    _Out_ PULONG SectionSize,
    _Out_ PULONG SectionCharacteristics

    ULONG Entries;
    PUCHAR ImageBase;
    ULONG Index;

    ImageBase = (PUCHAR)&__ImageBase;
    NtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(ImageBase + __ImageBase.e_lfanew);

    SectionHeader = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(NtHeaders);
    for (Index = 0;
         Index < NtHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
         Index += 1, SectionHeader += 1) {

        if (!__memcmp(SectionHeader->Name, ".idata", __strlen(".idata"))) {
            *SectionSize = SectionHeader->Misc.VirtualSize;
            *SectionCharacteristics = SectionHeader->Characteristics;
            return ImageBase + SectionHeader->VirtualAddress;

    return NULL;

пн, 24 авг. 2020 г. в 12:34, Dmitry Mikushin <dmitry at kernelgen.org>:

> Dear All,
> I've been studying the delayed-load (delayimp) pipeline as a possible
> backend for the missing RPATH functionality on Windows, by the following
> example:
> #include <stdio.h>
> int __declspec(dllimport) foo(int arg);
> int main(int argc, char* argv[])
> {
>     printf("foo() = %d\n", foo(foo(argc)));
>     return 0;
> }
> Both GNU and LLVM implement delayed loading similarly with the dlltool
> (yet, LLVM's dlltool seems to have merged into ld-link). Essentially, the
> task performed in LLVM's lld/COFF/DLL.cpp or BinUtil's dlltool.c is
> two-fold:
> 1) Generate jump table stub for a delayed-load function (see example below)
> 2) Generate a trampoline that shall deploy the __delayLoadHelper2 code
> (see example below)
> Upon the successful binding, the __delayLoadHelper2 seems to write a
> resolved function address right into the executable code section:
> extern "C"
> __delayLoadHelper2(
>     PCImgDelayDescr     pidd,
>     FARPROC *           ppfnIATEntry
>     ) {
> SetEntryHookBypass:
>     *ppfnIATEntry = pfnRet; // access violation
> }
> In order for executable image modification, Microsoft has developed some
> fancy functions that temporarily add write permissions to the corresponding
> memory region.
> Now the question is: the code to be modified is within the jump table stub
> that goes into ".idata" section, and it fails to get write permissions:
>         if ((Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) == 0) {
>             //
>             // This delay load helper module does not support merging the
> delay
>             // load section to a read only section because memory
> management
>             // would not guarantee that there is commit available - and
> thus a
>             // low memory failure path where the delay load failure hook
> could
>             // not be safely invoked (the delay load section would still be
>             // read only) might be encountered.
>             //
>             // It is a build time configuration problem to produce such a
>             // binary so abort here and now so that the problem can be
>             // identified & fixed.
>             //
> /* Exception thrown at 0x000000013F3B3F3F in dlltool_test_executable.exe:
> 0xC0000005: Access violation reading */
>             __fastfail(FAST_FAIL_DLOAD_PROTECTION_FAILURE);
>         }
> So, currently the hard-binding does not work, and gives "write access
> violation". I'm wondering what kind of "build-time configuration" am I
> missing here?
> My test config: LLVM upstream from github, BinUtils upstream from git,
> MSVC2019, Windows 7.
> I'm posting this also to StackOverflow:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63559263/
> Kind regards,
> - Dmitry.
> $ cat trampoline.s
> # Import trampoline
>         .section        .text
>         .global
> __tailMerge_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib
> __tailMerge_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib:
>         pushq %rcx
>         pushq %rdx
>         pushq %r8
>         pushq %r9
>         subq  $40, %rsp
>         movq  %rax, %rdx
>         leaq
>  __DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib(%rip),
> %rcx
>         call __delayLoadHelper2
>         addq  $40, %rsp
>         popq %r9
>         popq %r8
>         popq %rdx
>         popq %rcx
>         jmp *%rax
> .section        .text$2
> .global
> __DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib
> __DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib:
>         .long 1 # grAttrs
>         .rva    __C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib_iname
>      # rvaDLLName
>         .rva
>  __DLL_HANDLE_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib   # rvaHmod
>         .rva    __IAT_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib  #
> rvaIAT
>         .rva    __INT_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib  #
> rvaINT
>         .long   0       # rvaBoundIAT
>         .long   0       # rvaUnloadIAT
>         .long   0       # dwTimeStamp
> .section .data
> __DLL_HANDLE_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib:
>         .long   0       # Handle
>         .long   0
> #Stuff for compatibility
>         .section        .idata$5
>         .long   0
>         .long   0
> __IAT_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib:
>         .section        .idata$4
>         .long   0
>         .long   0
>         .section        .idata$4
> __INT_C__Users_marcusmae_dlltool_build_import_test_lib:
>         .section        .idata$2
> $ objdump -d dorks00000.o
> dorks00000.o:     file format pe-x86-64
> Disassembly of section .text:
> 0000000000000000 <foo>:
>    0:   ff 25 00 00 00 00       jmpq   *0x0(%rip)        # 6 <foo+0x6>
>    6:   48 8d 05 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%rip),%rax        # d <foo+0xd>
>    d:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmpq   12 <foo+0x12>
>         ...
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