[llvm-dev] Efficient emulation of arithmetic operations

Alex Susu via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 14 07:49:56 PDT 2019

     I would like to add that the work on arithmetic emulation was described also in a 
WPMVP 2019 paper (satellite of PPoPP) - you can find it here: 
https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3306166 . Please ask questions and provide feedback if 
this is of interest to you.
     Again, I consider this to be a very interesting contribution for the LLVM back end, 
theoretical, but also as a proposed methodology in the aforementioned papers .

   Best regards,

On 3/2/2019 3:53 PM, Alex Susu wrote:
>   Hello.
>     I would like to advertise a very interesting LLVM related project I worked on in the
> last 1.5 years.
>     It is about the efficient emulation of arithmetic operations by "inlining" the
> emulation routines (written manually) by using the LLVM Instruction selection pass.
>     This is something that is useful as methodology for other LLVM back ends for
> architectures that require emulation. The technical report at
> https://sites.google.com/site/alexsusu/myfilecabinet/OpincaaLLVM_TR_UPB.pdf describes this
> very interesting method in Section 7 - specifically Algorithm 7.1 could be used by other
> LLVM developers to implement it for other back ends also.
>     (There are also some slides available describing specifically this work:
> https://sites.google.com/site/alexsusu/myfilecabinet/CGO2019_LLVM_Performance_Workshop-Arithmetic_emulation_slides.pdf
> ) .
>     Please ask questions and provide feedback if this is of interest to you.
>   Thank you,
>     Alex

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