[llvm-dev] Resuming the discussion of establishing an LLVM code of conduct

Rafael EspĂ­ndola via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 6 09:02:53 PDT 2016

>> Say what you want about the Linux kernel community, but you can't
>> call
>> it immature. You can call the behaviour of some of its people
>> immature, but the community itself is not by a long shot.
> But there are reasonable people who will not interact with that community because they find that community's acceptance of offensive behavior unacceptable. I certainly don't want to see that happen here.

That cuts both ways. I have in the past posted in my facebook account
articles from the onion that some people would consider offensive. If
you don't like it, don't read the onion or be friends with me on

I have been working on llvm since 2006 and according to the code of
conduct I would now be liable to being banned from working on llvm
because of sharing a satirical news.

Again, I don't doubt the good intentions of the people working on
this, but as written this is one of the most terrifying documents I
have seen.


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