[llvm-dev] [RFC] GitHub Survey - Please review

Renato Golin via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri Aug 19 05:57:11 PDT 2016

On 19 August 2016 at 13:50, Bruce Hoult <bruce at hoult.org> wrote:
> For people who are doing read-only access, to include llvm in the build of
> some other project, the impact might be as small as a one-time changing of
> the URL for the "svn checkout" in their script.

For that kind of use, I believe the GitHub SVN interface will "just
work". I have tested it read-only and read-write access and my SVN
client was very happy with it.

Some people said it was a bit slow, but that should only make a
difference if you're checking out the whole thing. (svn relocate may
help, too).

But there's also the idea of changing the process to Git, which would
involve some changes to their scripts, but not a big one.

I'm more worried with huge build systems that heavily use SVN as a
core part of their infrastructure, making it a lot harder to "move to

I'm expecting this number to be small nowadays...


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