[LLVMdev] LLVM parsers for popular languages? - Python, Rust, Go

mats petersson mats at planetcatfish.com
Tue Jun 30 00:52:36 PDT 2015

Typically, the AST is language-specific [as concepts in one language often
doesn't exist at all in another language, e.g. Python List and Dictionaries
don't exist in C], so outputting it as "another language" is not always
easy (or even possible without much infrastructure in the target language).

I also have absolutely no idea what you mean by "Summary" - I expect you
mean the essential parts of the code, minus error checking and such, but I
have a hard time understanding how you differentiate between the
algorithm's essential parts, and "unnecessary error checks" [unless your
code understands the algorithm, but then you could just as well write a
program that outputs various algorithms in different languages, which would
be easier than taking in source in one language and output it in another


On 30 June 2015 at 02:52, Alec Taylor <alec.taylor6 at gmail.com> wrote:

> IIRC when LLVM came out a bunch of community-contributed parsers were
> available on your website.
> Essentially I want to read in a programming language, prune the AST until
> it contains only what I define as a "summary", then convert that AST to
> that of another language, before finally outputting [code-generating] a
> compilable/interpretable source [think boilerplate].
> Would be good to have Python, Rust and Go.
> Are there any LLVM parsers around for these popular languages? - I can
> write my own, but then I'd need to maintain them against the latest
> language specs >.<
> Thanks for all suggestions
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