[LLVMdev] Separating loop nests based on profile information?

Philip Reames listmail at philipreames.com
Thu Jan 15 17:07:22 PST 2015

On 01/15/2015 09:59 AM, Adam Nemet wrote:
>> On Jan 8, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Philip Reames <listmail at philipreames.com 
>> <mailto:listmail at philipreames.com>> wrote:
>> On 01/07/2015 06:42 PM, Adam Nemet wrote:
>>>> How does this compare with classical approaches of loop peeling, 
>>>> partitioning, fission, or whatever you might call it? Is there any 
>>>> literature behind this approach or some literature it should be 
>>>> compared with? (I genuinely don't know this area that well, so I'm 
>>>> of little help here…)
>>> I think it’s pretty different from loop distribution/fission.  In 
>>> loop distribution, in order to split the loop into multiple 
>>> consecutive loops, you need to reason about the memory references so 
>>> having a function call makes that difficult/impossible.  Phillip’s 
>>> idea works around this exact issue.
>>> I explored this space quite a bit recently because we’re working on 
>>> a proposal to add loop distribution to LLVM.  I hope to send out the 
>>> proposal this week.
>> Just to note, I'm going to be very interested in seeing this.  I have 
>> concerns about profitability, but having a mechanism is clearly a 
>> good thing.  :)
>> Are you also looking at loop fusion?  I've seen that come up in 
>> practice for a few cases where it would *really* help.  Generally, 
>> filter/reduce patterns implemented by hand.  Nowhere near the top of 
>> my priority list, but if you happened to be working on it, I'm happy 
>> to help review and brainstorm.
> Yes, we’re planning to look at fusion next.  Thanks for all your 
> feedback so far!
> As to your example, do you mean chain of operations 
> functional-programming style?  E.g. with OO syntax:
> list.map(func1).map(func2).filter(func3).reduce(func4), where these 
> could be squashed into one loop.
That's exactly what I was thinking of.
> Thanks,
> Adam
>>> So I see no issue with trying to handle loops with low-probablity 
>>> function calls with this and fully self-contained loops with 
>>> classical loop distribution.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Adam
>>>> Some of your points I have quick feedback on:
>>>>     Points for discussion:
>>>>       * Is using profile information for this purpose even a
>>>>         reasonable thing to do?
>>>> Yes!
>>>>       * I chose to implement this without relying on the existing
>>>>         block frequency analysis. My reasoning was that a) this is
>>>>         a rarely taken case and adding an expensive analysis
>>>>         dependency probably wasn't worthwhile and b) that block
>>>>         frequency analysis was more expensive/precise than I really
>>>>         needed. Is this reasonable?
>>>> I think we should always use the analyses. Either BlockFrequency or 
>>>> BranchProbability. I think probably both in the common joint usage 
>>>> (frequency of the loop header combined with probability of the cold 
>>>> region).
>>>>       * If so, is the notion of 'rareness' of a loop block
>>>>         something that's worth extracting out on it's own and
>>>>         reusing? Are there other similar uses anyone can think of?
>>>>       * Currently, I'm only supporting a fairly small set of
>>>>         controlling conditions. Are there important cases I'm not
>>>>         considering?
>>>> To both of these, I think the general combination to use is to 
>>>> identify the set of blocks dominated by a block which is in the 
>>>> loop body of a hot loop, and is cold relative to the other 
>>>> successors of its predecessor(s). These form cold "regions" as I 
>>>> think of them without requiring the complexity of the region analysis.
>>>>       * Since the rarest latch is often deep in a loop - with other
>>>>         "if (X) continue;" (i.e. latches) before it - this tends to
>>>>         create loops with multiple exiting blocks. Some of the
>>>>         existing passes might not deal with this well, is that a
>>>>         major concern? Suggestions for how to analysis and validate?
>>>> I'm somewhat concerned about this, but want to think more about the 
>>>> fundamental transformation.
>>>>       * Currently, I've structured this as pulling off the rarest
>>>>         latch as an outer iteration. I could also pull off the most
>>>>         popular latch as an inner iteration. This might give
>>>>         different tradeoffs; thoughts?
>>>>     Generally, any thoughts anyone have on the problem or approach
>>>>     are welcome. I'm not particular attached to the particular
>>>>     approach laid out here and if there's a more advantageous
>>>>     approach, all the better.
>>>> Thanks for pushing on this! ;] Now I need to go and ponder a lot so 
>>>> i can reply more deeply on the actual transform.
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