[LLVMdev] Interest in LLVM

Pratik Bhatu cs12b1010 at iith.ac.in
Sun Dec 7 07:24:36 PST 2014

Hello everyone,

My name is Pratik Bhatu, I am a bachelor student currently studying at IIT Hyderabad, India. 
I just finished my Compilers course have been exploring LLVM since the past month (kaleidoscope, writing LLVM passes) and am interested in the llvm-polly project. I am also a potential GSoC applicant and wanted to start working on the project from now. Is there a way I can significantly contribute to the project and be of help to the community? 

Thank you
Pratik Bhatu

Bachelors of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Hyderabad
+91 96 19 056833
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