[LLVMdev] Unable to evaluate clang on linux or windows

Ben Pope benpope81 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 19:10:19 PDT 2013

On 15/10/13 22:22, C K Kashyap wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to try out the new c++11 features using clang. However, I am
> running into some issue or the other on both Windows and Linux. In both
> cases, it looks like the problem is due to headers from VC/g++.
> I was wondering if someone can point me to some steps on setting up a
> Windows or Linux(ubuntu 12.04 LTS) box for exploring clang.
> I was able to successfully build clang on my ubuntu but that did not
> help in building my sample CPP files.

It might help if you give us the compiler error and version of clang
you've compiled.

I can compile C++ programs with libstdc++ or libc++ without issue.

Windows support is experimental at the moment, so let's stick with
Ubuntu for now.


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