[LLVMdev] RFC: MCJIT enhancements

Chris Lattner clattner at apple.com
Fri Sep 7 10:38:09 PDT 2012

On Sep 7, 2012, at 10:35 AM, "Kaylor, Andrew" <andrew.kaylor at intel.com> wrote:

> The other MCJIT improvements aren’t dependent on the triple changes at all.  The reason that this came up in the context of MCJIT is that the quickest way to get MCJIT support on Windows is to enable the generation of ELF object images on Windows.
> We previously proposed a minimal approach of just adding “ELF” to the recognized triple environment strings.  This is the way that MachO generation is enabled on non-Darwin platforms in the current LLVM code, and it’s the way we did this in our in-house implementation.
> If the target specification is going to be redesigned, I’d like to add the minimal approach for ELF on Windows in the mean time.  The bigger redesign sounds like a good idea, and I’d be open to helping out in that regard if I can be useful, but I’d like to see something in place as soon as possible even if it’s only as a stop-gap measure.

Ok, I'm not trying to sign you up to redesign the world :).  If this is just going to be a relatively short-term thing, I'd recommend doing the minimally invasive approach, even if it is another terrible triple travesty. :)


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