[LLVMdev] New benchmark in test-suite

Daniel Dunbar daniel at zuster.org
Tue Nov 6 14:34:54 PST 2012

Hey Renato,

You are right, the failure on compile_time indicates that the test isn't
even building. As provided, the tests don't actually define the cpuida() or
calculateMHz() functions so that seems expected to me.

The compile failures end up getting buried in the logs, but they will
either be in the test.log file in the top-level sandbox directory, or
inside the <filename>.llvm.o.compile files in the Output directory for that
test (i.e. SingleSource/Benchmarks/LivermoreLoops/Output/...).

 - Daniel

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Renato Golin <rengolin at systemcall.org>wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> I'm trying to add LivermoreLoops test to the benchmark suite (tar ball
> attached), but I'm getting the error below:
> --- Tested: 2 tests --
> FAIL: SingleSource/Benchmarks/LivermoreLoops/lloops.compile_time (1 of 2)
> FAIL: SingleSource/Benchmarks/LivermoreLoops/lloops.execution_time (2 of 2)
> When I use the option to only run this test:
> --only-test SingleSource/Benchmarks/LivermoreLoops
> I can see the binary and if I execute, it runs (still missing bits and
> bobs, but ignore that for now). I've seen some files with extension
> "reference_output", does that have anything to do with it?
> Since it "fails" on "compile_time", I'm guessing I'm not quite there
> yet, though.
> If you want to reproduce it, just add "LivermoreLoops" to the
> Benchmarks' Makefile and untar the attached to it.
> --
> cheers,
> --renato
> http://systemcall.org/
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