[LLVMdev] JIT support for inline asm on Linux

Ashok Nalkund ashoknn at qualcomm.com
Mon May 7 00:12:22 PDT 2012

   I'm using LLVM/clang from release 3.0. I have a program (C++) that 
will load a library in the form of LLVM bit code using the JIT. However, 
I see JIT errors when loading the bit code:

"LLVM ERROR: JIT does not support inline asm"

   I read that MC JIT intends to fix this. I'm trying to build LLVM from 
the lastest trunk. Is there any special/extra thing to do to use MCJIT 
when creating the JIT in my program?

   If this is not the right mailing list, please do point me in the 
correct direction.


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