[LLVMdev] LLVM teaching materials

Tobias Grosser grosser at fim.uni-passau.de
Mon Feb 28 06:44:10 PST 2011

On 02/28/2011 05:27 AM, Christian Plessl wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I am teaching a lecture on hardware/software codesign which, though not a dedicated compiler course, covers quite a bit of compiler related contents (general introduction, intermediate code, code generation).
> I'm currently considering replacing and/or extending this compiler related lecture parts with an introduction to LLVM as an example for a modern compiler framework, which we are also using extensively in our research.
> Does anybody know of good teaching materials on LLVM? For example, a basic compiler course that use LLVM as a example? I searched the web a bit but didn't find anything suitable.
> Cheers,
>    Christian

I put some slides I used on my webpage.


You can use them. However, they are just a bunch and only about specific 
topics. No general compiler introduction. Furthermore, we did have a lot 
of interactive discussions, so without having attended the class they 
may be difficult to understand.

It would be great to create a svn branch to share slides for such a course.


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