[LLVMdev] git Status

David A. Greene greened at obbligato.org
Tue Aug 23 08:47:05 PDT 2011

FlyLanguage <flylanguage at gmail.com> writes:

> Great that you work on this, but I don't quite get the approach, nor
> some of your examples (which seems buggy).

Some examples may be buggy.  If you find problems, let me know!

> a) We don't need another git tutorial - there's a lot of really good
> ones out there, even ones explaining git from the perspective of a
> current SVN user.

A request went out for something specific to LLVM.  That's why I wrote
this.  If you have tutorials you think are particularly good, post them
here and I'll add them to the Resources list.

> b) We need a document explaining how patches are reviewed and referred
> to, what commit rules (and hooks) are in place and how this would work
> in a git world. It would be short and sweet.

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking for.  My assumption is that the
hooks in place for git are the same hooks we currently have for svn,
ported to work with git.  Is there something else we need?

The review process over e-mail works exactly as it does now.  I don't
understand why we need a different document for that when using git.
The stated requirement for moving to git is that the review process
doesn't change.

When you say "how patches are referred to" do you mean actually patches
(text files) or commits.  Commits are referenced by commit ID, just like
today.  Patches are referred to by name and/or file/attachment, just
like today.

The goal of the document I wrote is to explain how an LLVM developer
would use git day-to-day to integrate into the existing LLVM review
process.  The assumption I made when writing it is that the typical LLVM
developer has no knowledge of git.  That's why it's tutorial-like.  It
also serves as a concrete example of how git can work with the existing
review process.  This can help boost the confidence of those wary about
a git transition that such a transition is workable.

I feel I've missed something fundamental about your request.  What is
it?  :)


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