[LLVMdev] git Status

David A. Greene greened at obbligato.org
Mon Aug 22 13:37:33 PDT 2011

FlyLanguage <flylanguage at gmail.com> writes:

> 2) Nobody writing up how git should be used with the current llvm 
> workflow (which is not going to adapt to an SCM, but the other way 
> around, which is understandable.)

Here is a first cut at that.  Other git users, please chime in with
suggestions, edits, etc.  Non-git users, please ask for clarification
where needed.  This is based on my notes on working with LLVM via
git-svn, modified to assume native git.  There are hundreds of ways to
design a workflow that works with the current review process.  This is
but one.

We should add this to the web page once it's polished if we make the
transition to git.


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