[LLVMdev] Running gcc tests using Clang

Dale Johannesen dalej at apple.com
Wed Sep 22 13:04:22 PDT 2010

On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:32 AMPDT, John Thompson wrote:

> 've run the tests from clang-tests/trunk/gcc-4_2-testsuite on a Ubuntu x86-64 Linux box with the following results:
>         === gcc Summary ===
> # of expected passes        29946
> # of unexpected failures    9938
> # of unexpected successes    29
> # of expected failures        28
> # of unresolved testcases    1451
> # of untested testcases        273
> # of unsupported tests        811
> pid is 4456 -4456
> output is clang version 2.9 (trunk 113841) 

For reference, here are the results from the last time I ran it with llvm-gcc, about a month ago:

# of expected passes            39621
# of unexpected failures        1112
# of unexpected successes       2
# of expected failures          59
# of unresolved testcases       80
# of untested testcases         280
# of unsupported tests          1073

Many of the 9000 extra failures are probably llvm-gcc/clang differences that are nothing to do with you, though.  The best way to get useful info out of this is to run it with and without the patch you're testing, and compare.

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