[LLVMdev] Two quick questions on call graph nodes

Xiaolong Tang xiaolong.snake at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 13:43:11 PDT 2010

Hello Duncan, 

> >> what version of LLVM are you using?  I don't think LLVM 2.7 uses a
> >> "indirect call node".  However it does use a "external node", which
> >> is used when a function external to the current module is called.
> >>
> >
> > The "external node" makes sense. However, I am using LLVM 2.8. (See
> > the output from "opt -version") and build it against Revision 105271
> > in the svn repository. So, can I say that the presence of "indirect
> > call node" is new in LLVM 2.8?
> I couldn't find any code that printed "indirect call node", and I
> couldn't produce it with a testcase that does an indirect call.
> This is with LLVM 2.8.  That's why I asked which version you are
> using.  At this point I think you should provide a testcase.

The test code is comprised of three files: example.cpp, string.cpp and
string.h. They are attached later.

I used these commands (in chronic order):

>llvm-g++ -c -emit-llvm string.cpp 
>llvm-g++ -c -emit-llvm example.cpp 
>llvm-ld string.o example.o 
>opt -dot-callgraph a.out.bc 
>open -a Graphviz callgraph.dot 

Followed are the three files. 
- example.cpp

#include "string.h"

int main()
  String y, z;
  String x("Hello World!");
  y = x; // strongly update y
  z = y; // use y
  return 0;

- string.cpp

// String.cpp

#include "String.h"

String::String() : capacity(0), length(0), buffer(0)
  // Nothing else to do

String::String(const String& that) 
  length = that.length;
  if(that.length > capacity) {
    delete [] buffer;
    capacity = 1.5 * length;
    buffer = new char[capacity];
  for(int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    buffer[i] = that.buffer[i];

String::String(const char str[]) 
  length = 0;
  while(str[length]!='\0') {

  capacity = length * 1.5;
  buffer = new char[capacity];

  for(int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    buffer[i] = str[i];

  if(capacity) {
    delete [] buffer;

String& String::operator=(const String& that)
  length = that.length;
  if(that.length > capacity) {
    delete [] buffer;
    capacity = 1.5 * length;
    buffer = new char[capacity];
  for(int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    buffer[i] = that.buffer[i];
  return *this;

- string.h

#ifndef STRING_H
#define STRING_H

class String {
  // Default constructor

  // Copy constructor
  String(const String& that);

  // One argument constructor that takes a character array as the initial
  //  value for the string
  String(const char str[]);

  // Destructor

  // Assignment operator
  String& operator=(const String& that);

  int length;
  int capacity;
  char* buffer;



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