[LLVMdev] Proposal for GSoC project for improving llvm-test testsuite

Rajika Kumarasiri rajikacc at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 21:52:44 PDT 2008

hello everybody,
I would like to improve the llvm-test suite[1] as a part of GSoC 2008
program for LLVM.
I have few concerns/problems regarding this, please give me your feedbacks
and suggestions to come up with the proper proposal.

*Goal:* Improve the llvm-test testsuite.

*Idea:* Extend the llvm-test testsuite to include new programs and
benchmarks[2]. Test programs should be more CPU intensive  with few library
dependencies  at the end which are delivered in source format.

I have following few problems, please help me to understand them.

1. Before everything I need to clarify something.
Normally we add tests in a software  to check the correctness of that
software code base. Here in this project llvm trying to specific on third
party software codes. So I am not sure how a test be structured within llvm
to check llvm code base correctness using those third party codes(This is
what I understood, please correct me if I am wrong). I'd glad if I can get
more information on this.

2. As described llvm testsuite program should be more CPU intensive
programs, is there is any reason for that and how  a llvm test suite program
can make more CPU intensive, any points that should consider to write a more
CPU intensive test program for llvm?

3. Since we need to avoid many library dependencies, we need to reduce
dependencies to standard C/C++ libraries and llvm libraries itself.Is this
correct ? If so any points that need to consider writing tests which has few
library decencies?

4. What a test program should cover?
As I read in the testsuite guide [3], test programs in llvm-test covers two
things in general. It check for a particular LLVM feature or trigger a
specific bug in LLVM. So in addition to that any other point that need to
consider, along with the structure of a test case would be helpful
And also as described test programs are code fragments and whole programs. I
think in here also I may need to write either of them depending of the
benchmark trying[2].

5. Finally if I am going cover test programs for[3], may be setting few
targets( targets in the sense that I am writing test programs for A variety
of C++ benchmarks,BioPerf,LLC bench etc.., ) would be help to define the
time line. May be more important one can be done in the first touch.

Please guide me on these. Please correct me if I am wrong in anything.
Thanks in advance!

I am a computer science undergraduate[4]. I'm interested in compiler
technology and have experience in C/C++ programming.My resume [5].

[1] - http://llvm.org/OpenProjects.html#llvmtest
[2] - http://nondot.org/sabre/LLVMNotes/#benchmarks
[3] - http://llvm.org/docs/TestingGuide.html#org
[4] - http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/
[5] - http://rajikacc.googlepages.com/resume_rajika.pdf
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