[LLVMdev] speeding up compilation and link time

Christian Plessl christian.plessl at uni-paderborn.de
Sun Feb 17 04:42:08 PST 2008

> Does anyone have any ideas or tips on how to shorten the time to  
> build? I am building a new tool (in the llvm/projects directory) and  
> it takes minutes to fully build the project, possibly because it  
> uses lots of templates and boost & stl libraries and I am using a  
> slow machine. Specifically, I am looking for ways to change the  
> Makefile and use precompiled headers and incremental linking, but  
> still can't figure out how the Makefile is structured.

You may try to use a compiler cache, such as ccache (http://ccache.samba.org 
). While compiler caches can significantly reduce compilation time I  
guess that linking time will not be affected much.


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