[LLVMdev] Adding ClamAV to the llvm testsuite (long)

Török Edwin edwintorok at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 13:24:48 PST 2007

Chris Lattner wrote:
> One way to do this is to add a "cut down" version of the app to the
> test suite.

I disabled optional features in clamav-config.h

>> 2. GPL license. Chris?
> Any open source license that allows unrestricted redistribution is
> fine in llvm-test

Ok, I have created a script that automatically checks out ClamAV
0.92-stable source code from svn, and moves files to match LLVM
testsuite's requirements.
It only checks out GPL files, it omits libclamunrar (which is not GPL).

Attaching all files. Let me know if you want to upload the entire
package somewhere.
For the moment I provide a script that automatically checks out sources
from ClamAV  svn repository (the tagged stable version).

Please provide feedback on the scripts, and Makefile.

What are the next steps required to add it to the testsuite?

Now it knows to do this:
edwin at lightspeed2:~/llvm-svn/llvm/projects/llvm-test/MultiSource/Applications/ClamAV$
make ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 TEST=nightly report
Program  | GCCAS  Bytecode LLC compile LLC-BETA compile JIT codegen |
clamscan | 6.2900 1728848  7.1709      *                *           |  
12.71   12.75   13.49 *        *   | 1.00    0.94    n/a          n/a

Chris Lattner wrote:
> Thanks, having a better testsuite is very very useful!

Your welcome, if you encounter any problems with ClamAV (that isn't due
to my makefiles) you are welcome to open a bug on http://bugs.clamav.net
For LLVM-testsuite build problems contact me directly.

Thanks a lot,
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