[LLVMdev] LLVM projects: Change framework

Jakob Praher jp at hapra.at
Wed Apr 25 00:01:26 PDT 2007

hi all,

I have used LLVM extensively over the last 2 years.
I have realized a so called change framework that based on the LLVM 

Basically it is a framework that augments the JIT to understand 
"changes", such that a mutator process can formulate changes in a change 
language (inspired by DTrace's D), which is too compiled to LLVM and 
sent to the application process.

The application process than transforms the IR and marks the functions 
as beeing dirty. After a detection period, the changes are detected and 
the functions in question get recompiled and relinked, such that the 
change is now applied within the application.

Every change can be undone. This is done by keeping an undo record of 
changes (allthough other approaches would seem fit also).

The thesis can be found on http://www.prahersoft.com/~jp/da.pdf.
Part of the thesis is an extensive documentation of the LLVM framework 
from a 10000 feet view. This might be interesting to new-comers.

The reason why I did not post information on this list, is that the my 
university rules did not allow me to.

I would be interested in hearing from you about it.

-- Jakob

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