[LLVMdev] compiling the full SPEC CPU2000 suite to LLVM bytecode

Kenneth Hoste kenneth.hoste at ugent.be
Thu Aug 31 03:05:43 PDT 2006

On 31 Aug 2006, at 07:58, Chris Lattner wrote:

> On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, Kenneth Hoste wrote:
>>>  $ grep F95 .../projects/llvm-test/Makefile.config
>> -bash-3.00$ grep F95 projects/llvm-test/Makefile.config
>> # F95: Enable LLVM to run Fortran benchmarks without a Fortran  
>> front-end
>> USE_F95=1
>> F95_DIR :=
>> F95     := /work/NAG_f95/bin/f95
>> F95_INC := /work/NAG_f95/lib
>> F95_LIB := /work/NAG_f95/lib
>> Looks ok to me...
> It doesn't to me.  If you set F95_DIR to /work/NAG_f95 things will  
> probably work much better for you.

No, that doesn't seem to be the problem. If I provide the additional  
--with-f95 option with the correct directory to configure,
I still get the same errors (although it mentions /work/NAG_f95/lib/ 
NAGWare/... not found as errors now).
It seems the paths in Makefile.nagfortran (in llvm-test) are  
hardcoded (lib/NAGWare/quickfit.o and such).

When I adjust the settings in Makefile.nagfortran as follows, I'm  
able to get bytecode file for lucas, galgel and facerec, but make  
still quits with an error (after generating
bytecode files for 7 (out of 26) benchmarks.

Also, the file 'libf97.dylib' isn't in my NAG_f95/lib directory, and  
nothing remotely like it either.

Are some major changes in the NAG Fortran compiler itself the cause  
of this? Which version are you using? Which paths are present in the  
Makefile.nagfortran file?
I'm using the 5.1(216) release of f95.

>> This is just a single error appearing, I'm getting hundreds, if  
>> not thousands, of these error, for various benchmarks/files.
>> Which LLVM version is working for you with F95?
> LLVM 1.7+.

Hmm, I'm using LLVM1.8 with the gcc4 frontend. I'm starting to get  
really frustrated by all this... :(




Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but  
what they conceal is vital (Aaron Levenstein)

Kenneth Hoste
ELIS - Ghent University
kenneth.hoste at elis.ugent.be

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